12 definitions by Colte the Pirate

A religious Figure emerging in the late 1980's came to public view in the early 2000's many notable feats making him well known through out his native pacific northwest and quickly gaining a small following. law enforcement have yet to make any sort of move because Todd Gibbs has not committed any illegal activities.

many of his followers ascribe to him to have god like status, praising him in a facetious manner and exaggerating his greatness.

while no one is sure of exactly what Todd Gibbs looks like it is rumored that he is a giant, or has giangantisism claims on his emmence strength and inhuman penis have been made but may be rumors started by his followers.
This Song can often be heard in Todd Gibb's Presence

Praise Todd, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Because He rocks the Most. Amen.

Todd Gibbs takes the bus to work, he walks but he picks up the bus and takes it with him.

Todd Gibbs had sex with three women at once. when he was 9

when Todd Gibbs goes Camping He purposely brings women on their period with him so he can eat fresh bear meat
by Colte the Pirate January 6, 2007
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Captain Sunshine is that person who is bright and cheery, even if you are depressed, pissed off. or tired.
tim: Good morning!
Bill: Shut the Hell Up Captain Sunshine
by Colte the Pirate February 2, 2007
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1. a machine created by lonley computer engineering majors to get laid.
2. Me when I put on my little gold shorts.
1. Mike was so hopelessly inept with women that he made a robotsexmachine for friday nights.

2.when I put on my little gold shorts and wax my mustache all the ladies want me cause i'm a white hot robotsexmachine. Now pump that Bass!!!!
by Colte the Pirate November 3, 2006
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When a guy is so whipped by his girlfriend that she controls all the stuff on his online profiles
i.e. Myspace, Facebook, Friendster
guy 1: "what happened to the music on your profile"
guy 2: " uh, carol hates that song, so I...."
guy 1: "dude, You are so E-whipped"
by Colte the Pirate January 10, 2007
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a judgmental guy who watches everything I do, can hear everything I say and if I don't give him ten percent of my paycheck every month he'll kick me out.
Tim: Sally I can't have sex with you it will upset the man upstairs.
Sally: wow, Tim I didn't know you were so religious.
Tim: I'm not, I just mean that My landlord Frank is really old fashioned and he might not let me renew my lease.
by Colte the Pirate January 11, 2007
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My personal Goal. I can't tell you how many time's I've been swimming in the ocean when i got tangled up in a bunch of gross Whale Body hair. So I'm proposing a international Shave the Whales Foundation to Rid the ocean of unnecessary Whale Shedding
Stupid Hairy Whales If it wasn't bad enough that we had to put up with them drinking all our water eating all our sailors now there is whale hair everywhere. we should just shave the whales
by Colte the Pirate January 3, 2007
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Was Constantinople,
Now it's Istanbul not,
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople she'll be waiting in Istanbul
guy 1: wasn't Istanbul Constantinople?
Guy 2: yes, but now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Guy 3:Been a long time gone, Constantinople...
Guy 1: Why did Constantinople get the works?
Guy 2: That's nobody's business but the Turks!
by Colte the Pirate January 11, 2007
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