5 definitions by CloudZephyr

A computer primarily designed to browse sites like Facebook instead of doing proper work on.
The new Macbook is a $1000 Facebook Machine.
by CloudZephyr June 2, 2015
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The turny thing on a door or oven although commonly mistaken for the penis
Person 1) To turn the oven on turn the knob
Person 2) Grabs penis and twists it.
by CloudZephyr October 16, 2012
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When you hum a dubstep song.
Guy 1: hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmmmmh bwaaaagh bwaagggh blaurg

Guy2: Shut up with your humstep and play the song on itunes
by CloudZephyr April 13, 2013
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VVS or vertical video syndrome if the act of recording a video using a smartphone vertically. This is very annoying and should be avoided doing whenever possible (always).

It originated from when iPods and iPhones first got cameras.
A: Check out my new video man its awesome

B:WTF MAN why did you record this vertically this sucks. You have VVS
by CloudZephyr January 4, 2013
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Most depressing day of the week as you think about work/school on Monday and the thought of a crappy Sunday dinner.
Damn it's sunday time to be depressed all day and completed forget about homework until later.
by CloudZephyr March 25, 2013
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