3 definitions by CloudSephiroth247

An argument or fight between two or more stupid people. Especially immaturely and in front of a group of people.
Those two dumbasses, Ben and Jared, both liked the same girl, so they formed a retard rivalry and began yelling at each other like fucking five-year olds.

The retard rivalry between the homosexual HSM fanboy and the emotard went over the edge and eventually the two began viciously attacking each other.
by CloudSephiroth247 November 6, 2009
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A person who's a pussy, gay, an emo, and a fucking retard all at the same time.
The British kid in the Ebaum's World video, "Psycho Kid Reviews Modern Warfare Video" is a pussy-faggot-emo-fucktard.

Guy1: Hey, what happened to Guy#2?
Guy3: He got grounded by his mom, so he started crying in his room, shoving a remote in his ass, cutting himself, and then he started running around like an asshole.

Guy1: Wow. That guy must've been a real pussy-faggot-emo-fucktard!
by CloudSephiroth247 November 20, 2009
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An anxiety disorder that is triggered from witnessing one's team choke, whether that be a spring training game, season game, or playoff game. Symptoms include:

-Fair weather sportsmanship
-Ranting about the choke
-Afraid to watch any games
-Making excuses to not watch a game (playing video games, homework, on the computer)
-Avoidance of talk about recent games
-Loss of faith in team
-Low self-esteem, unable to defend team from rival fans
Example 1:

Joe: Dammit! The Cubs just keep losing!

Kel: Screw this, I'm gonna go to the bar!

Few minutes later...

Joe: Yes! We tied it!

(Kel runs in the room)

Kel: Alright! They're unstoppable!

Joe: Damn, Kel. No need to hide your PTCD.

Example 2:

Joe: Hey, the Pats won last night!

Kel: Fuck the Pats! All they ever do is fucking lose! We won Super Bowl Fucky-Two! The Giants weren't actually that fucking good enough! It was one of our fucking players!

Joe: Chill, Kel!

Kel: Sorry. Post-Traumatic Choke Disorder.

Example 3:

Joe: Hey, Kel! You gonna watch the ALDS tonight?

Kel: No, I'm probably gonna go out with Jane.

Joe: I thought you broke up with Jane?

Kel: Dammit! My PTCD's acting up again!

Example 4:

Joe: Hey, the Cubs played an amazing game last night!

Kel: Um, can we not talk about the Cubs right now? I happened to miss the game.

Joe: PTCD?

Kel: Yup.

Example 5:

Marvin: Yo, Boston sucks!

Kel: Yeah, whatever.

Joe: Dude, don't take that from him!

Kel: Who cares? I've lost confidence!

Joe: Stop it with the PTCD!

Example 6:

I myself happen to be a sufferer of PTCD. Since the Pats' loss in Super Bowl 42, I have been petrified of ever watching another sports game. The one time I watched a Red Sox game after that was when they choked to the White Sox during a home game in 2010. Since then, I have suffered a double dose of the disorder.
by CloudSephiroth247 July 16, 2011
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