26 definitions by Clinton Sounds

To receive the contents of the bowels of another person for sexual gratification. Such practise is common amongst members of the bdsm community.
Sandra straddled David above his face and neck, relaxed her anal sphincter muscles and proceeded to evacuate her bowels. David moaned with pleasure as her watery stools invaded his nose and mouth. He had noticed in her sex-contact magazine advertisment that she enjoyed yellow and brown.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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This being the resulting mixture of semen and menstrual fluid, so called due to the red and white colour.
I fucked Sandra during her period, shot my load and she fanny farted the strawberrys and cream on to the bed sheets.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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Sounds is the name given to stainless steel tubes, of various design that are inserted into the male urethrea for sexual pleasure or pain. It is a common practise amongst the bdsm community. Solitary use of sounds, by a male involves the inserting of a sound into his japs eye or urethra and pushing the sound (which is usually well lubricated with a non-oil based lubricant) deep into the bladder so that the head of the sound rubs directly upon the prostate gland of the male. Such stimulation of the prostate gland from the inside of the bladder is often described as 'ecstatic' or 'incredible'.

The solitary use of sounds for sexual pleasure often becomes pathological and dangerous, with the user experimenting with different shaped and textured sounds so as to heighten his sexual pleasure.

The use of sounds in the bdsm community is both dangerous and depraved. The victim, who is male, often has sounds thrust with little care or compassion into his urethrea or japs eye. Not surprisingly biological damage to the urethra and bladder is common, infection and serious injury often follow and lifetime bladder incontinence is a real risk. More serious cases involve penile cancer, bladder cancer and tumours of differing seriousness. The use of sounds is outlawed in many countries and to own a set of sounds is illegal.

The internet, is often the place where sounds can be bought and they are available for sexual deviants worldwide...at a cost, both financially and biological.
Horace inserted a sound into Berties urethra with loving kindness. Bertie orgasmed with such intensity when it rubbed against his prostate gland.
by Clinton Sounds May 4, 2005
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This being the description of the flavour of the vagina during cunnilingus, immediately before, or after menstruation.
I went down on Sandra last night, but all I got was zinc pink.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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Another name for the penis. Made famous by the late Peter Cook's 'Here Comes the Judge' speech.

Also a name given to the public houses and bars frequented by gay clientele.
Horace said to Walter, 'I would like to suck on your pink oboe'.

Walter suggested they both go to the pink oboe for a Campari and soda.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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