26 definitions by Clinton Sounds

Being the act of when a menstruating woman, straddles a partner above the face, releases her tampon, and the resulting flow of menstrual blood upon the partners face being a crimson shower.
Sandra was on her period so I asked her to give me a crimson shower
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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These being human feces. A term often coined by medical doctors who realise that old folk do not understand the term feces or bowel movements. A stool can be up to nine inches in length, that being the total expanded length of the human rectum. It can have a circumference of up to eight inches and can be foul stinking or without odour. So much information can be taken from a stool, blood group, age, sex, eye color and even height and weight.

A stool is much envied by coprophilics and coprogenics. The ingestion of stools is not recommended, as it can lead to fatal infection, disease and premature death.

stools are often used in sex games, in particular brown docking a sexual practise that is very popular in Japan between lesbian Japanese women.

A stool sandwich is a highly dangerous snack offered to an enemy, often with unpleasant side effects.
I wrapped my stool in cling film wrap and sealed it inside a jiffy bag. I mailed it at my local post office to Noriko my coprophilic Japanese girlfriend. She called me by telephone, days later and told me how much she had loved chewing the stool and swallowing large chunks of it. I felt nauseated at the thought, yet I felt a hopeless pride in the fact that she had chosen me as a stool donor.
by Clinton Sounds April 4, 2005
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Double fisting is an extreme sexual activity that must not be confused with fisting. The 'double' often suggests 'two' hands that are inserted into the orafice(s) of women or men.

Double fisting in a woman, might for example, be two well lubricated hands thrust into the vagina, or else two lubricated hands thrust into the anus/rectum.

It might also be two hands inserted simultaneously into both vagina and anus.

Double fisting into the anus/rectum often seriously damages the anal sphincter muscles internal and external, bowel incontinance is sometimes medically irreversible; so would be anal/rectal fisting recipients must be aware of anal 'tearing'.

Vaginal double fisting however is almost without a serious health risk, triple fisting is a regular occurence for women after childbirth; if they so wish it.

There is a slight danger that double fisting performed on virgins will damage the vagina. This is often true, the bartholin gland which produces vaginal lubrication is dependent on gentle stimulation, and double fisting can send this tiny gland into spasm.

Double fisting can be enjoyed by women of any age and recent polls suggest that Scandanavian women in their 50's who have had one or more children particularly enjoy the sensation of being double fisted. The Finnish word for double fisting is 'Torn-Berry' a word named after Finlands second largest city where double fisting is almost a cultish phenomenon amongst mature women.
Helga, the Finnish air hostess met me in Helsinki and suggested double fisting, I was a little shocked, but once I had inserted both of my hands into her deep and cavernous vagina I felt a kind of nirvana creep over me. Her face was contorted yet ecstatic in a surreal unison of hand meets orafice.
by Clinton Sounds April 13, 2005
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A brownish yellow foul smelling substance emitted from the rectum of a human individual. Feces can be called stools and they can be hard or soft or watery. Medical opinion names these on a scale of one to ten. One being hard, ten being watery.

Feces are often sought after by coprogenics these being people who are sexually aroused by feces.

Coprogenics should not be confused with Coprophilia which is a deep love for feces, which might involve the smearing or storage or loving attention being given to feces.

Coprogenics is essentially the eating of feces and digestion of human feces, often seen by mentally subnormal, or else their close relative 'the genius'. W.A. Mozart was a feces eater, it eventually killed him in this thirties.

Eating feces is not uncommon and it is estimated that 1% of humans have indulged in this activity. Recent studies show that Danish, Japanese and Philippine nationals indulge in this activity, secretly, asian women particularly seem to enjoy eating feces although this is only 1.6% of the population.
Niroko my Japanese girlfriend was a secret coprogenic lady, I realised this when she asked me to defacate into her mouth, which I did and I was repulsed when I saw her swallow my soft brown load. Her face exhibited a joyous satisfied expression.
by Clinton Sounds March 28, 2005
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This being the male G Spot: it is a small gland the size of a Brussel sprout that sits inside the rectum upon the urethra. When stimulated, either by finger, penis or dildo, it causes a dry orgasm; that is an orgasm without erection, or penile stimulation.
Sandra, with her three fingers inserted into Bruces's anus just touched the prostate gland. She watched as he ejaculated his semen onto the bed sheets. It was then she realised that the male prostate gland was indeed a male sexual organ.
by Clinton Sounds April 11, 2005
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This being a sandwich that has been jizzed over and offered an unsuspecting victim. The recipient can be either sex, and someone who the donor secretly dislikes.
I got my revenge against Sandra by offering her a spunk sandwich, which she ate unwittingly. Inside my head, I bubbled with a mixture of pride and guilt, keeping this sordid fact to myself for the time being, yet surely to reveal to her at a later date.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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This being a lesbian sexual activity where they lie horizontally on top of each other rubbing their genitals together.
Sandra and Sarah decided to abandon the dildo and enjoy a trabadism
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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