26 definitions by Clinton Sounds

Sanitary Napkins, used by women during menstruation. These of are often disposed of into a container next to the water closet, they are often fall into the hands of a pedal bin vampire.
Sandra applied the jam rag to her vulva, since her menstrual flow was heavy, and chewy bits were abundant.
by Clinton Sounds February 4, 2004
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A name given to the sexual activities of golden showers and brown showers.
I posted an advert in the sex contact magazine for a women into yellow and brown.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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This is the unpleasant term, first used by 'Loaded' a U.K. 'lads' magazine to describe death by fisting. Its roots lie in the case of a young man Stuart Lubbock who was fisted to death at a poolside drugs and sex party hosted by the U.K. television celebrity michael barrymore.

It is at this drugs and sex, poolside party, that michael barrymore and his perverted chums took the naieve stuart lubbock into a private bedroom, and fisted him to death. The medical pathologist recorded 'serious anal and rectal injuries'. Yet michael barrymore was aquitted and 'death by misadventure' was recorded.
It is particularly awful way to die: being kidnapped by gay men and 'lubbocked' to death.
by Clinton Sounds April 19, 2005
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This being the practise of fellatio upon a penis or pink oboe immediately after withdrawral from the anus after an act of buggery. The term implys that the penis is warm and has pebbledash coating the shaft of the penis.
David buggered Sandra mercilessly, then he withdrew his penis and thrust it into her mouth, he observed that his member was brownish with feces yet he insisted that she provided him with a hot gnarl.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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This is a small gland about the size of a kidney bean that sits above the vulva just before the vagina. It is responsible for producing vaginal fluids so that sexual intercourse is smooth and lubricated. Older women often have a faulty bartholins gland, hence they suffer from a dry vagina. The odour of the lubricating juice from the bartholins gland is often dependent on the womans diet, but in younger women the odour could be described as slightly fishy. Red Heads bartholin gland secretions are particularly pungent and cunnilingus is a very tasty affair with Red Heads.
Sandra my girlfriend was a Red Head and her bartholin gland always produced plenty of vaginal juice for my enjoyment during cunnilingus. So pungent was her odour that I used brown bread to mop up her juices and I snacked upon her secretions with relish.
by Clinton Sounds April 14, 2005
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This being the act of performing cunnilingus during a woman's menstruation. So called chewy bits are often in abundance and towards the end of a womans period stringy bits of uterus are often expelled from the vagina. Many men are revolted by drinking red sea yet it is a highly pleasurable practise and particularly nutritious to the licker.
Sandra's periods were so heavy and always lasted a week so I had no other options except drinking red sea.
by Clinton Sounds April 14, 2005
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A Cunty Brown Dock is a rare sight even on hardcore scat movies. It involves a man or woman expelling a turd from his/her anus into the vagina of a receiving participant lady. Brown Docking is a more hygenic sexual practise and more commonly observed in scat movies. The Cunty Brown Dock is less favoured owing to the extreme hygienic implications. A turd being a bacterial mass of shit which can be the route cause of infection and disease.
Female scat porn stars receive as much as U.S.$5000 for allowing a turd to be passed directly into (their) vagina.
Sandra who was working as a scat porn star in Las Vegas, was deeply in debt to drug dealers, so she decided that evening to take a Cunty Brown Dock. She realised the risks, but had bought a large vaginal douche for use afterwards to wash out the steaming shit from her vagina.
by Clinton Sounds April 6, 2005
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