5 definitions by ClevelandRox

The opposite of shoplift: to leave something you want to be rid of (but don't have the heart to simply throw away) on the shelves of a store.
The mug my grandmother got me for Christmas was so hideous I had to shopdrop it the next time I went to Target.
by ClevelandRox September 14, 2010
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vulnerability to cold temperatures
My first winter in Minneapolis I was a shivering little waif. But now I've lost my friginity and can withstand weeks of below-zero temperatures without batting an icicle-encrusted eyelash.
by ClevelandRox September 14, 2006
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vulnerability to cold temperatures
My first winter in Minneapolis I was a shivering little waif. But now I've lost my friginity and can withstand weeks of below-zero temperatures without batting an icicle-encrusted eyelash.
by ClevelandRox July 28, 2006
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The degree of familiarity with another person, which, if you chance to encounter them on the street, will determine if you merely greet them in passing or stop to talk.
We saw each other on the sidewalk and said 'hello' to each other. But she was just a friend of a friend I'd only met once or twice before, and there wasn't enough chat gravity to merit stopping and chatting.
by ClevelandRox March 7, 2006
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a young urban tech worker who, priced out of the local rental market, relocates to a nearby city and commutes long distances to work
Techugees who can't afford a decent apartment in the hipper parts of Seattle are driven to seek rental units in Tacoma and sometimes even Olympia, driving up rents in these once backwater locales.
by ClevelandRox September 21, 2016
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