1 definition by Clazz

Busted were one of the most popular British pop groups of the 2000s. Made up of three members (James Bourne, Charlie Simpson and Matt Willis), the band formed in 2001 after Bourne and Willis advertised in various magazines for a third member. In March 2002, the band signed to Universal Island and went on to release seven singles (four number ones) and two albums in the UK charts. Their sound is primarily pop, but with clear rock influences.

Although Busted have often been labelled a boyband because of their pop sound and their massive female fanbase, the fact they played their own instruments and wrote all their own songs proves that they truly broke the boyband mold. Two more popular claims were that a) they did not have a drummer and b) they claimed to be 'punk' or 'rock' - both of these statements are untrue.

The band announced at a press conference on January 14th 2005 that they were to split up, devastating millions of fans worldwide. Since their demise, Simpson has released material with his post-hardcore band, Fightstar, while Bourne has formed a new band Son of Dork, whose sound is similar to Busted and can be compared to many bands in the American pop punk scene. Willis plans to launch a solo career.
Busted were a great pop band who, contrary to popular belief among the 'real' music fans, could actually play their own instruments.
by Clazz November 23, 2005
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