14 definitions by Clarabella

Mary Hesling, pioneer in bringing back higher education to the southwest of Cornwall, England After COVID 19. Skilled with creative innovation and a strong will makes Mary perfect for the job
of leading the class of 2020 Safely back to their prospective university places.
And so

The torch of academia was again lit and entrusted to Mary hesling In hope to uncover a Sound passage For those on their higher education journey, candidly ushering them through the gateway of thought and ideas .
by Clarabella July 9, 2020
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The Allens, established 27th 2017 and continue to epitomise unwavering love and strict honour. For friends they are a sturdy rock, which peers, like barnacles cling to; they prove constant in compassion and selflessness.
A sensational couple are the Allens; both ascetically and innately, and a credit to all who know them.
“Wow! My eyes! Did you just see that couple? Never have I seen such a beautiful pair! Look made for each other”
“Must be “The Allens”
by Clarabella June 1, 2020
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Sherlocksmiths established themselves on may 12th 2017 in an renown Cornish winery. 3 years down the line and still slightly hungover, the sherlocksmiths saunter through life with their motto “why not” which can sometimes lead to mishaps when it comes to booze; dogs; houses and cake but hey ho and on they go spreading love and occasional looks of discontent at mr barkey their cockapoo.
And the sherlocksmiths lived happily ever after, though slightly hoarse from constant reprimand of mr barkey.
by Clarabella May 6, 2020
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5,10 , 180lbs of perfect, Barnaby. Sutton could restart the hearts of the dead with his profound energy. The frequency of his being creates a vibrancy so bright it’s wise to don sunglasses whilst around him.

Such a strength of character he has that nothing seems to phase Barnaby Sutton though his sensitive side comes through if ever a person is prejudiced or unkind, then a Barnaby Sutton will loose his shit and you will know this as shade will be cast over the world and the sun will go in, so don’t piss him off.
Friend: “oh you seem so happy lately, what’s new with you?
Me “I met Barnaby Sutton”
by Clarabella May 6, 2020
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My darling is so tall he must stoop to kiss me.
My darling is bright eyed and inquisitive.
My darling finds refuge in nature and solitude.
My darling is sensitive and slippery to hold,

To be with it seems impossible, because my darling, you are colossal and only meant for admiration, so my darling, Though my love may be beyond my station, a destination that’s not for me, my darling I’ll love you still, and dream you love me.
My darling, I do love you so much.
by Clarabella December 19, 2020
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Trump A 243lb warm wobble of flesh standing at 6’ 3”. The Trump organism is a deuterostome capable of releasing vast quantities of noxious gas from both orifices.
The gaseous exchange of Trump appears capable of permeating relentlessly through the air, creating a potentially toxic wake that can cause death and destruction should anyone be unfortunate to fall into its path.
Whereas most living organisms serve a purpose in the grand scheme of life, the Trump’s purpose is not obvious but it is very present. The antidote for its toxins can be found by simply ignoring its narcissistic desires.
Her face, contorted due to the foul stench emanating from the Trump that had just been emitted
by Clarabella January 7, 2021
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Not me, was Maria used when you’re best friend negates a sense of pleasure from sending you obscenities of which you send onto your peers whom are horrified and reprimand you, but in your defence, you retort -Not me, was Maria. Whereby your innocence is restored and equilibrium regained as of course it wasn’t me, but Maria.

Friend “What the hell clare, I will never be able to unsee that gigantic penis now”
Me: “notmewasmaria”
Friend: eyes intent on screen and face drops in horror watching the gigantic penis sway back and forth in rocking motion, shocked, marika replies what the hell Clare? To which I say, it’s not me, was Maria.
by Clarabella May 6, 2020
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