11 definitions by Clara

While I would hesitate to call Lower Merion a vanguard of cultural and economic diversity, it is an excellent high school for those not lucky enough to attend one the fine private institutions forming the lovely young adults such as my fellow linguist above. Large, wealthy, and full of activity, LM is a public high school somewhere between Newport and Chino, but 100% Main Line.

P.S. Of course, if you're ever in need of barbituates or stolen Malibu rum, you'll want to try Harriton.
I go to LM, I wear Prada, and I do Players.
by Clara April 9, 2005
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Can be used to replace the words 'very' or 'mad'.
by Clara July 12, 2003
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A shoe store that sells every shoe imaginable. The best shoe store in the mall.
I bought these k-swiss shoes from journeys.
by Clara December 23, 2004
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my out fit is made by bongo.
by Clara December 23, 2004
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hes seeing crazy pigs send him to the boobyhatch.
by Clara December 23, 2004
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