35 definitions by Cindy

my english teacher who hates me and doesn't understand me
by Cindy January 26, 2004
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In the time frame of when you're about to get laid when both naked partners look at eachother and feel an awkward moment. (Often occures with virgins and inexperienced indiviguals)
"Don't just sit there and fuck stutter biatch, get on you're knees!."
by Cindy March 12, 2004
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guy...this guyizzle has to go inizzle sevizzle mizzles....
meaning: this guys has to go in sevin minutes.
by Cindy February 25, 2004
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A person that is smoothly agreeable and courteous; Sweet; pleasant; delightful; gracious or agreeable; in manner; attractive and just wants to make people happy.
Man 1: Damn nigga, you got it like dat? You a pimp dawg.

Man 2:"I aint a pimp, I'm a suavologist :-)"
by Cindy May 4, 2004
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Ass crack sweat that turns into a thick lathery paste. Fem. Brown Betty
Jogging on a hot sumer day will produce butt butter
by Cindy February 5, 2005
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A fatass idiot who doesn't know anything. Right wing fanatic without being able to explain why. Self-proclaimed "straight as an arrow", but mother has described him as a "crippled gay man"
Cletus sashayed down the hall to talk to "hith betht friend" while denying he was a homosexual.
by Cindy July 29, 2004
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