1 definition by Chrystmas Card

A book that is currently being written by stephanie Meyer. I guess you could call it book number 1 1/2 in her series. It is her first book, Twilight, from one of the main charector's Edward Cullen (a vampire) point of view. All of us Twilight Junkies can't wait for it to come out so please.... Stephanie if you're reading this, forget The Host (another book she wrote) and finish up Midnight Sun!
Crystal- When is Midnight Sun coming out?
Becca- I don't know, I'm not done with Twilight Yet.
Brittany and Crystal- What?!
~*~*~*~*~ 2 days later......~*~*~*~*~*~
Becca- I can't believe you two tied me to a chair and read all four books to me!
Brittany- That's what friends are for.
by Chrystmas Card July 4, 2008
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