16 definitions by Christophe Graham

To pretend to be something your entire life (amid suspicion that you are in some way hiding something or are out and out lying), and then have your true feelings and beliefs revealed by simply adding alcohol.
TOM: (drunkenly) You know what Sam? Yer a fuckin' jerk and
I've always thought so...ya bastard. (hic) Eat shit...
SAM: Whoa! What was that? Just yesterday, you told me I
was your best friend. You are totally pulling a Mel
on me.
TOM: (hic) That's right, bitch. I'm gonna pull a Mel on
you. A drunk man's word's are a
sober man's thoughts. I hate you...
by Christophe Graham July 31, 2006
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One who constantly steps over "the line" whatever that line may be. This has the effect of forcing you as an observer to set him or her straight with physical force or the threat of physical force.

(from Chappelle's Show: Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Story)
RICK JAMES "Charlie Murphy!!! (punch to the head, leaving a mark)

Then Charlie Murphy proceeds to kick Rick James' ass because he's gotta check that shit so it don't happen again, forcing him to stop being a habitual line stepper.
by Christophe Graham April 14, 2006
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Having a moment in life (as a man) that is decidely gay. Interestingly enough, what makes it that type of moment is the fact that the gayness of it is in no way a problem.
Example 1: Derek: "Wow that sunset is really pretty."
Steve: "What?"
Derek: "You know, its just ....pretty"
Steve: "Dude, yer having a Brokeback Moment"
Example 2: Tom : "My favorite moment after working out is
showering with the guys. I love the
Gus : "Are you nuts? Dude, you are totally
having a Brokeback Moment"
by Christophe Graham April 3, 2006
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To Use Extreme martial arts in a fit of anger to neutrilize an enemy.
Todd: Yo, dude. I heard you got in a fight over a chick last night.
Chris: Yeah, I beat his ass...totally Matrixed him. I needed to Matrix someone.
by Christophe Graham June 20, 2006
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Farting and the like while sitting on the toilet desperate to dump, and dump well...
Tom: Yo, dude I just went to take a dump, but all that came out were farts and squeaks..
Steve: Ah, you were making the toilet music, dude.
by Christophe Graham July 23, 2006
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An IM'er who is annoying because every response is one word.
Example 1
ANDY: "So, how was the party last night? Was it worth going to and did it rock?"
TOM: "Yeah"
ANDY: "I hate it when you act like a one word IM'er.
Example 2
CHUCK: "So was that test hard? I heard that it was like the hardest test in the history of the world and stuff... I mean I think everyone failed it even Thomas that straight - A guy who never fails anything."
SAM: "Wack"
CHUCK: "Dude, you are such a one word IM'er."
by Christophe Graham May 11, 2006
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To be essentially fucking with someone or to be condescending to someone by implying that they are stupid.

Refers to when someone says "Don't piss in my pocket and tell me its raining, jerky..."
Tom: "Thanks for the CD, I like rap music.."
Sue: "Are you taking a piss?"
Tom: "No, not at all. I really do like this CD. Thanks
a bunch...really."
by Christophe Graham July 6, 2006
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