6 definitions by ChrisMBurdick

Anything that's just terrible, and has no redeeming qualities, whatsoever.
Example 1: That was the most god-awful event, that I've ever been to.

Example 2: Iron Man: The Video Game, is so god-awful, I regret playing it.
by ChrisMBurdick November 19, 2016
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Person 1: I'm heading to the bar, do you want to come?

Person 2: Aight.
by ChrisMBurdick August 12, 2016
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Not just a person whose basically more trouble than they're worth, corrupt and evil, but they're also literally a fine representation of everything that's currently wrong with the world.

"Money", "Notoriety", and "Power", as well "Themselves" are the ONLY things that Politicians care about. Because they're professional liars, they'll do whatever it takes to get these things.

In addition, Politicians pretend to "care" about less fortunate people or "support" charities, just so they can lie to them and manipulate them or take advantage of them, as well as wrongfully raising taxes to line their pockets, or even passing biased and hypocritical laws that only suits THEM, but not SOCIETY, that don't even make the slightest bit of sense.

Another thing with Politicians, is when bad things happen in the world, they point the finger of blame at whoever they want, just to cause problems.
Politicians are corrupt, evil, and greedy.
by ChrisMBurdick July 12, 2016
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A person whose basically more trouble than they're worth, corrupt, and are a fine representation of what's wrong with the world ... literally.

Politicians only care about themselves, as well as money and power, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get these things, from lying to empty promises that they know they can't or won't keep.

Politicians pretend to "care" about people, just so they can lie to them and manipulate them, by wrongfully raising taxes to line their pockets or passing these biased and prejudiced laws that are either unfair or don't even make the slightest bit of sense, or pointing the finger of blame at whoever.
by ChrisMBurdick July 7, 2016
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A cheesy sounding catchphrase, commonly used by Wannabes and Try-Hards in an attempt to make themselves sound cool, when it actually makes them sound corny.
Person 1: I do everything Like A Boss!
Person 2: Lol, whatever! (Shakes head and walks away)
by ChrisMBurdick July 25, 2016
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