710 definitions by Chris

A little tiny girl who is very smart and yet stupidly dumb.. Makes sense since she can be philosophical.. And yet EXTREMELY retarded at times. Thats why we love her. She is quiet but loud.. She is short but not to short.. She stares.. And yet she doesn't.. What a wierdo.. She was the girl in 8th grade who would kick your ass for a cookie. Don't mess with her man!
Give me your cookie damn it. Or i'm going to beat you down like a Shane! (Look up the word Shane)
by Chris February 20, 2005
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slang for police, originated from the TV show "hawaii five-0" (apparently a show about cops)
"5-0 at the do, gotta go" -cradle to the grave
by Chris January 2, 2004
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cops, skateboardling grind where only the back truck grinds and the front is in the air
Dude, I was trying a 5-0 on that ledge but the 5-0 came and kicked us out
by Chris March 18, 2003
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Also commonly known as The Greek, The Great, Bum Fucker,greek god or Crazy son of a bitch. Loves to party, loves big fat greek parties, loves women, makes love to women, women love christos. Kind, sympathetic, and always knows wut not to say, christos charms not only women, but other forms of life. Is very inviting and loves sports, soccer is the best cuz god put it in the commandments in fine print at the bottom. Also on the same level wit an Enzo, Christo and Enzo will rise one day to build an empire, one where everyone can be as great them.
Ey, Christos don hurt me plz, i love greeks
Ey,Christos, u noe my friend Jim? hes greek
Don pull a Christos, ur ass will be sore in the mornin (insert signature Christos laugh here)
by Chris February 1, 2005
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A disease where you have small bournigals (testicles).

Named after my brother, who is the drummer of Ruxton Towers.
Oh my, that poor guy has Bournigal Smalls' disease.
by Chris January 1, 2005
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English slang: To defecate on your partner's chest, either male or female.
I surprised her with a bolle, she didn't take it too well. Then i had to clean up.
by Chris April 15, 2005
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