12 definitions by Chowderz

The best game in the fucking world.

in Minecraft, you can play mulitple different modes. Indev (build whatever you want with unlimited resources), multiplayer, and Survival, which we will be talking about today.

Survival mode involves waking up on an island and buiding shelter before nighttime, when the monsters come out. you can collect wood, stone, and dirt to use to build your shelter. when the first night comes and goes, you'll probably want to get working. you can find caves to mine in, build a giant castle, or build things to help you in your journey.

the game is for computer only and is being made by Notch, AKA Markus Perssun. the game costs about 15 dollars (9.95 quid) and is currently in open beta. when the game is finished it will cost 20 dollars.

(note that i'm writing this definition and i don't even have the game).
Minecraft is awesome.
by Chowderz April 27, 2011
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Like Reddit, but full of idiots. The comments section on any picture is disturbingly similar to the comments section on an /r/circlejerk post. Instead of having meaningful discussions like Reddit, they spend all day looking at cats, reading sob stories that are obviously bullshit, posting selfies, and posting albums about how much of an asshole their boyfriend was today, comprised entirely of irrelevant Disney gifs. Again, these stories are obviously bullshit.

The comments section is a mess. Imgur is similar to Reddit in that they downvote any opinion that does not agree with their own. As such, most of the top comments are something along the lines of "+1, I laughed!", "+1 for Game of Thrones/funny word that you used in the post everyone else read!", "I genuinely chortled (a word imgur loves to use) out loud, good sir/madam, have my upvote!", "To the front page with you!" and much, much more. A good amount of posts on imgur are reposts, and most of the comments are.

User sub:

Imgur was created to host Reddit's pictures, but later someone decided to give it it's own community that can post their own pictures. User sub was born: A shithole that most of the sob stories/selfies/disney gif stories/Tom Hiddleston fangirl posts come from. People that browse it like to think they're special because of it, but they're not.

In short, it's a horrible site with horrible people and the only reason I still go there is when I want to see pictures from Reddit.

Stick to Reddit.
"Have my upvote, I laughed! +1!"

- A typical Imgur comment.
by Chowderz December 30, 2014
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many people say things like "justin beiber iz soooo gay lolz!" but really, there's nothing "gay" about him. notice how EVERY SONG HE WRITES IS ABOUT GIRLS.

apparently his "girl voice" turns him into this gaywad fag when really the people that call him that are just jealous becuase he's more successful than them.

however, there is hope, becuase as of recently he's cut his hair and he no longer sounds like a girl.
retard: justin beiber is so gay lololol!

me: go fuck yourself. he's no more gay than you are not jealous. *punches retard is the face, cuts open his balls and burns his body*
by Chowderz February 18, 2011
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the scariest little bug i've ever seen. spider are 8-legged arachnids that use spider silk (that comes out of their ass) in a variety of ways, depending on the species. most spiders spin webs with their silk to catch innocent insects and use their vampire-like fangs to inject paralyzer venom into their prey, then devour its insides like a monster. it also seems that spiders TRY to look as freaky as possible (large, bulging eggsack sitting on its ass; showing its large eyes and fangs to you) so that they can scary the crap out of you, then make a spider-home, lay some eggs, and create more scary-as-crap creatures. in my opinion, even the smallest spider is scary as hell.
tiny spider: *climbs on my shoulder* hallo dere.

by Chowderz February 28, 2011
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the most awesome era ever. this is where they had the Mafia, awesome 50s-type songs, and all that innocence that has since been completely destroyed. the 1950s was also when Rock music, credit cards, color TVs an more were invented (according to Mafia II).
The game Mafia II takes place during the 1950s
by Chowderz March 12, 2011
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An age-old disease only found in young children. all children have this disease, but the boys have a different type than the girls. because of this, touching or being touhed by a member of the opposite sex is fatal, since you have gotten their cooties.
Don't touch that girl, she'll give you cooties!
by Chowderz April 19, 2011
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What most americans are. Some who is AI may do any of the following:

1. use "gay" as a general insult.

2.tlkz lik dis on de intrntz.

3. lack basic school knowledge (i met a guy on the internet who didn't know what a compound word is.)

4. hate on famous people (like Justin Beiber) ot of jealousy.

a good place to find peoplet that are AI is Youtube, just look at the comments.
I can't believe i used to be Americanically Ignorant.
by Chowderz March 30, 2011
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