1 definition by ChocolateHater23

And the overpriced iPhones begin... No, really. The iPhone which fucking bended called the iPhone 6 started at $199, and guess what? The 6s is FUCKING $649. THAT'S FUCKING OVERPRICED! THANKS TIM COOK! ALL FOR A 12-MEGA FUCKING PIXEL CAMERA (and a 5MP front one) AND STUFF LIKE 3D TOUCH AND THE A9 FUCKING CHIPSET! Just buy a iPhone 5s, it's a much better deal.
Person 1: Oh yeah I waited 5 days for the iPhone 6s get rekt m8
Person 2: How much did it cost?
Person 1: FUCK it costed me $749 for the 64GB model.
Person 2: go get a refund you fucking idiot
Person 1: i can't... WHAT THE FUCK APPLE
Person 2: this is why i use android...
by ChocolateHater23 August 2, 2019
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