4 definitions by Chinky

after ejaculation and not all of it is out and you ignore it, then it dries over the hole.
Mike Southwood tried to pee one morning but he could not because he was cumclogged
by Chinky January 23, 2004
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A black sexy primate lightskin with dreads - Brent

“Yo looks it’s isaac coulbourne he’s such a primate!”
by Chinky May 11, 2022
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slang term, another world and cooler way to say obiously. Origins: created by a person's obsession for another person.
"yo, that ahbiously ain't right man"
by Chinky December 16, 2003
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A dance that requires much skill and power. when done correctley it looks extremley awe-inspiring. only haterz make fun of breakdancing because they can't do it themselves.
by Chinky November 27, 2004
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