1 definition by Chingman101

<3 Chloe<3, there are so many words to describe her, smart, beautiful, amazing, humorous, fun... and so many more. she has the best personality and i want to spend the rest of my life with her, the feeling i get when im with her is absolutely amazing and i just want to hold her tight forever <3 <3 i want to grow old with her and i want to die in her arms <3 <3 ive never ever felt this way before and i know im in love xxxxxx p.s Chloe this is from me <3 <3 <3 c.s.r i love you so much babeyy girl, me and you forever babeeyyy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
"do you know chloe"
"do i know her? are you kidding im inlove with her
by Chingman101 July 19, 2011
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