11 definitions by Chillbro

One who is very enthusiastic and open about masturbation. Before the emergence and vast prevalence of high speed networking and "the cloud" one would acquire over the course of a lifetime a vast collection of porn or "stash". In the united states communities around college campuses formed with the focus of trading pornography with the common interest of maximizing the size of ones "stash". Peer to Peer file sharing within dorms was often used as a distribution pipeline as internet speeds were often times limited. The members of these communities became known as "stashers". Often times groups of these "stashers" are made up of the stereotypical white suburban raised "bros". The act of "stashing" or "hitting the stash" is another term for pleasuring ones self. "Stashers" are often proud of how much they stash.
Nick - "Have you hit the stash today?"
Joe - "Why yes! So kind of you to ask!"

Nick - "Hey man, have you met Josh? He's a total stasher."
Joe - "Nice man! He will fit right in with our group. Lets all bro out and drink some bud light lime. "

Nick - "Do you think Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were stashers?"
Joe - "Oh im sure they hit the stash more than anyone, they were great men."
by Chillbro July 27, 2014
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One who is very enthusiastic and open about masturbation. Before the emergence and vast prevalence of high speed networking and "the cloud" one would acquire over the course of a lifetime a vast collection of porn or "stash". In the united states communities around college campuses formed with the focus of trading pornography with the common interest of maximizing the size of ones "stash". Peer to Peer file sharing within dorms was often used as a distribution pipeline as internet speeds were often times limited. The members of these communities became known as "stashers". Often times groups of these "stashers" are made up of the stereotypical white suburban raised "bros". The act of "stashing" or "hitting the stash" is another term for pleasuring ones self. "Stashers" are often proud of how much they stash.
Nick - "Have you hit the stash today?"
Joey - "Why yes! So kind of you to ask!"

Nick - "Hey man, have you met Judd? He's a total stasher."
Joey - "Yeah I have he is the best! Lets all bro out and drink some bud light lime. "

Nick - "Do you think Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were stashers?"
Joey - "Oh im sure they hit the stash more than anyone, they were great men."

Chris - "The stashers did it again."
Joey - "You're goddamn right."
Marley - "Time to hit the stash."
by Chillbro July 30, 2014
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a person who has the same routine and stories for 20+ years, and can not comprehend anything outside of the lifestyle they live. They have few short term goals and even fewer long term. Their work ethic is hodge-podge, and the extent of the climax of their day is what they are having for dinner and who won the women's soccer finals. Background people will typically be gossips and are the main consumers of Time and Forge magazine. They are also consumed in there own feelings and only understand their own problems. Main sign of not being a background person is being driven mad by hanging out with background people.
Background person: "I can't believe John broke up with Trish"

Main person: "...yep"

Background person: "I wonder what's for lunch today?"
by Chillbro July 11, 2015
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A phrase, used in extreme cases, which is directed toward an individual with little or no chill. Ironically, the phrase usually has little to no effect, and in many cases incites the individual to show even less chill.
Guy 1: "You come into my house, eat from my fridge, fuck my wife, and take a dump in my toilet?!?"

Guy2: "Woahhhhhhh chill bro"

*Guy1, realizing Guy2 is actually no "bro" of his, loses all chill he had left*
by Chillbro March 17, 2017
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