1 definition by Chikken24

A fairy-tail like place where computers work perfectly 100% of the time.

Servers never crash, applications run flawlessly, disks never fill up, and viruses cease to exist. Even user-error ceases to exist, because The Cloud won't let it.
Programmer: "Sir, our servers are slow, our application sucks, and our employees are idiots. Larry just ran DEL *.* in the system folder by accident!"

IT Manager: "Don't sweat it, man...we're moving TO THE CLOUD. Pretty soon we'll bring lawn-chairs to work and spend our work-week beatin' Asian kids at online poker."

User: "Wait...can The Cloud really fix all that? What about our broken app and all the viruses?"

Manager: "Never. Doubt. The Cloud."

User: "Well the marketing material does say even a monkey can do it. Step 1: Move to The Cloud. Step 2: Make it Rain on 'dem Hoes."

Manager: "Brilliant"
by Chikken24 April 15, 2011
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