87 definitions by Chernorizets Hrabr

Place where theft is so easy I can walk out with a 6 pack of Dr. Rocket RIGHT in front of the old man.
"Let's ransack Wal*Mart... again!"
by Chernorizets Hrabr August 16, 2003
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Someone who everyone in the world over the age of 11 has seen engaging in sexual intercourse.
Azamat: I saw a video with Pamela Anderson doing something very bad on a boat.

Average Person: Welcome to Earth.
by Chernorizets Hrabr June 3, 2007
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The guy that my fellow Americans should have voted for, but apparently they don't have enough common sense to see what kind of damage is being done to our country by the divisive two-party system. An honest and real candidate who cares about domestic concerns that Bush and Kerry seem to have forgotten about in favor of fear-mongering, focusing on the so-called "threat" of terrorism.
Ralph has my vote, no matter the odds!
by Chernorizets Hrabr November 3, 2004
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The latest "craze" in music (mTV) after the decline of boy bands, pop punk is characterized by young guys who are incapable of decent vocals, play fast but weak guitars, fast but repetitive drums, and jumping around like a bunch of retards when the bass kicks in. Lyrics usually involve issues popular amongst the teenage community such as girl problems, depression, and how they don't "fit in" because they are "non-conformists" despite the fact they are listening to a form of pop music. Occassionally, they will attempt to sing about political issues but tend to avoid this, as it makes them appear idiotic due to the fact that their opinions are very uneducated.

A pop punk fan will wear predominantly black clothing, that is either way too baggy or way too tight. Pop punkers think it is cool to abstain from bathing or using deoderant, likely because they do not wish to conform by giving "corrupt corporations" such as Ivory and Gillette their money. Accessories include patches, studded bracelets and buttons with creative slogans on them reading, "You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same" or "Rap Sucks", despite the fact that the lead singer of Good Charlotte thinks he is black. Pop punkers will sometimes attempt to learn guitar or bass, give up once they have learned the beginning of a Ramones song, and tell people that they are experts and "can play better than Slipknot". Usually hang out in groups, so they are able to not conform together.

Pop punk bands include such acts as Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Sum41, New Found Glory, and Blink-182 (who is the only one of the above with any talent, personality and innovation, but they have a lot of idiot teeny-bopper fans as described above, and also inspired a lot of bad bands that tried pitifully to copy them). It can sometimes be very difficult to tell one from the other because of their generally whiny vocals and very generic riffs.
We can expect the death of pop punk by 2006...
by Chernorizets Hrabr November 6, 2004
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A shortened term for anabolic steroids, a hormone group injected into the bloodstream that rapidly increases the rate of tissue growth, particularly muscle. Roid usage is most common amongst younger athletes and wannabe bodybuilders with no brains, no patience, no dedication, and no actual strength. Those who use roids literally trade their balls for fast muscle growth, as if taking years off their lives was not enough.

Side effects of steroids include acne, rise in blood pressure, anger (roid rage), liver and kidney damage, the "frankenstein" look (large head), and, of course, the infamous shrunken dried-up testicles.
Instead of being a real man by working hard, eating right, and being dedicated, Roger decided to cheat and use roids. He was diesel in a few weeks, but couldn't take off his shirt because of his horrible bacne problem, and couldn't bang any of the chicks he met because he can't get it up anymore. Now he's pretty much back where he started. Way to go, Roger.
by Chernorizets Hrabr January 3, 2007
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Ok, I always had a nagging suspicion that emos and "hardcore" kids (emos with spiked hair who curse a lot) were pathetic faggots, but when I saw hardcore dancing for the first time, my preconceptions were confirmed. Hardcore dancing consists of some 90-pound little twat with greasy black hair flailing his limbs around, punching and kicking the air. Though annoying, pathetic, and downright retarded, it is a suitable method of dancing to emo and "hardcore" music, as the music takes no talent to create and sounds like a pack of whining retards, so the dancing should be similar. Hardcore dancing is a disgrace to moshing. You can say metal is a thing of the past all you want, because it doesn't make the present trends (such as emo) suck any less. Fags.
Hardcore dancing is another reason why the emo and "hardcore" scene should be extinguished forever.
by Chernorizets Hrabr December 21, 2004
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Loud-breathing math teacher whose catch phrases range from "OOOOH BABY" to "W00000000WWWW!" and "HEY LOUISE!!!! LOOK HOW LOW THESE TEST SCORES ARE!"
"Is that a freight train or Procida trying to breathe?"

"I failed my Procida test because I couldn't hear the lessons over his breathing."
by Chernorizets Hrabr August 16, 2003
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