12 definitions by ChemicalGoat

A version of "you guys," which is mostly associated with New Jersey, but is also heard in other metropolitan areas, such as New York and Chicago.

It may also be spelled "yous guys" and is much better than saying "y'all."
Youse guys want to go to the concert tonight?
by ChemicalGoat May 18, 2009
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A version of "you guys," which is mostly associated with New Jersey, but is also heard in other metropolitan areas, such as New York and Chicago.

It may also be spelled "youse guys" and is much better than saying "y'all."
Yous guys want to go to the concert tonight?
by ChemicalGoat May 18, 2009
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Two Canadian identical twins who are very talented and write incredible music. They began performing as Plunk in 1995 and became known as Tegan and Sara in 1998. The Con, their fifth full-length album, is easily the most addictive record ever.
Tegan and Sara are amazing. I listen to The Con almost every day and never get tired of it.
by ChemicalGoat May 22, 2009
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A southern corruption of the term, "yous guys." Most people who use the expression "y'all" are either rednecks or African-Americans. However, it is more often heard from rednecks. The expression becomes even more ignorant when it is changed to "all y'alls."

Y'all is not a real word. It is formed by dropping the ou from "you all." Even worse, "y'all is often used with a double negative, as described in the example below. This word is the epitome of ignorance.
Y'all don't like movies or nothin'?
by ChemicalGoat May 18, 2009
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To Masturbate. Jerk comes form pulling on your john, which is your dick.
Don't jerk your john when your parent are home.
by ChemicalGoat May 19, 2009
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