15 definitions by Chef

Biggest Pedo possible...Wears leather lives in the midlands area so beware! People try to be giles but most of the time fail
Cags tries quite hard to become giles
by Chef March 6, 2003
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A thief who uses guns/weapons to rob people. Guns are often located in their jacket or trenchcoat.
The stick up man always pawned all the jewelry he stole from his victim's.
by Chef September 1, 2015
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A thief who uses guns/weapons to rob people. Guns are often located in their jacket or trenchcoat.
The stick up man always pawned all the jewelry he stole from his victim's.
by Chef September 1, 2015
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the first reserve for any sort of team
thats it cunt, you're so shit, you're skiz for this game now
by Chef March 19, 2003
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The act of disappointing, performed constantly by a certain idividual from darwin who goes by the stage name DFD.
once again the disappointment disappoints
holy shit, is DFD playing this game?
by Chef March 19, 2003
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Some lie that gay people made up as an underhanded way to get their foor in the door of humanity and turn everybody gay (it worked).
I have never seen two babies of the same sex in a crib gettin busy homostyle and if I ever do I'm a be damn pissed.
by Chef July 1, 2004
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A word used when in moods of great of ultimate satisfaction, or in some cases used as a substitute for other words.
ohh chef, that cunt got smoked good
you fucking chef, get a clue
by Chef March 19, 2003
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