2 definitions by Checkthethroat

When someone posts on Facebook every five minutes throughout the day to complain/rant or tell us everything they have done, read, eaten, bought, seen, heard, etc during the course of the day. Their friends' news feeds end up filled with this person's constant posting, most of it extremely uninteresting.
Friend 1: Dude, I had to hide Jenny from my feed with all her political posts. She's just too out there for me.
Friend 2: Yeah, she's been binge posting about that stuff forever.
by Checkthethroat July 12, 2011
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Something men should do when talking with a woman in a bar. You need to check the throat to make sure they are a woman and not a man. If you feel an Adam's apple, it's a man, not a woman. Must be subtle when doing it, as not to offend the lady. It could save you pain and embarrassment later.
Dude 1: That girl is smokin' hot!
Dude 2: Naw man, check the throat. I did and that's a dude. Dude looks like a lady.
by Checkthethroat July 12, 2011
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