4 definitions by Charly09

Used when somebody is whinging about something and you dont care about it and just want to shut them up
Nick: Emily, my pen isnt working!
Emily: Oh Suffer in your Undies
by Charly09 December 14, 2008
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Zoom Zoom Zoom is something you say when you've shut somebody down. Firstly used on the Mazda car comercial and seen on the TV show Scrubs
JD: Wanna go out with the hottest man in the hospital tonight?
Kim: I would rather just go out with you, Zoom Zoom Zoom!
by Charly09 December 14, 2008
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When your not used to the headphones that come with your Ipod and they fall out all the time.
Guy 1: Ergh im seriously thinking of ditching my Ipod! These little earphone things keep falling out!

Guy 2: Hang in there mate! You just havnt got you Ipod ears yet!
by Charly09 January 25, 2009
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said when you have nothing else to say. usualy after somebody has just said a really good comeback or insult
Person 1: Hey i think theres to many people in this lift!
Person 2: Yeah because you count as 3!
Person 1: Go die in a hole!
by Charly09 December 14, 2008
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