65 definitions by Charles

Another variant on LOL, like rofflecopter, lollerskates
by Charles December 1, 2004
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To state that something will not happen so as to increase the chances of that thing happening. The opposite of jinxing.
Stop antijinxing, you know youre going to do well.
by Charles July 9, 2003
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A term used to express extreme elation or excitement
"Oder I'm getting married in San Trope tomorrow!"
by Charles June 18, 2006
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A Fob who is completely clueless. Spends all day surfing the web without any purpose. A tragic case.
Oh no, look at how many Fongs are in the lab.
by Charles March 9, 2005
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one whom desecrates his sanctity through acts of vile perversion and misfit necrophilismn. Whoms sole purpose is merfing and engaging in the art of snowballing and beastiality. He lives for the rush of the male orgasm and enjoys the fine lifestyle of the everescent flamboyant meeple.
If bentoid was here all the little oriental boys would be in a extreme euphoric state.
by Charles November 30, 2004
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