65 definitions by Charles

bellend is on Gregs head
Greg is a total bellend
by Charles December 2, 2003
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One of the most amazing hard rock/hardcore bands on earth, combining:

- Great singing and deep, thoughtful lyrics
- Virtuostic guitar playing
- Incredible bass playing
- Great, FITTING drumming

to make some of the best music I've ever heard.
One of the greatest bands around is THRICE.
by Charles July 19, 2003
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To be full of crusty old men. To sleep with lots of old guys to get a job.
by Charles March 18, 2004
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He who goes by the name Charles Stricklan.
My name is Charles, but you can call me chittlz.
by Charles November 12, 2004
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English butchered, both in spelling and grammar, by someone from east Asia.
Person from east Asian having butchered both by speling and in grammar language of english.
by Charles October 26, 2003
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The doppler effect sound a minivan driver hears when a high powered sportbike passes with 70mph on top of the minivan speed.
Mildred was poking along the two-lane with the team arguing over gummi bears when she was startled by the sudden HOOooooooonnnnnnnnn..... of a large, fast motorcycle which disappeared almost as suddenly as it had arrived.
by Charles January 28, 2004
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Meaning to Ejackulate, to nut(sperm) in some ones face
Ay Yo, I'm goin to paint shot pro this gurl.. Gurl U think its time, <gurl> Jus paint shot pro on me
by Charles July 18, 2003
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