5 definitions by CerridwenStorms

Table top role-playing game, which was a million times better than DnD until the new generation books were released/ they sold out. The series takes place in a "World of Darkness" for a modern setting, though there are variations of each of the older sets set in historical settings, including the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Western Pioneering.

The original series was created in the mid-'90s and covered Vampire: the Masquarade and Kindred of the East, Werewolf: the Appocalypse, Mage: the Assension, Wraith: the Oblivion, Demon: the Fallen, Changeling: the Dreaming, Hunter: the Reckoning, and Mummy: the Ressurection (which doesn't really exist). Each sysytem in the series is pretty much self explanitory, have sub-races and can be mixed together. There were plenty of supliments, but only for details desired by the hardcore gamer or the more creative and dimentional storyteller (dungeon masters for WW), and most weren't pricey, as they were usually paperbacks. The games could be easily played with just the corebook for whichever system you played.

Next came Exalted, which is a pre-World of Darkness universe that draws parallels to the old series, but bore a more DnD-like feel, setting-wise. This game was still excellent and preceeds the sell-out period. Orpheus, a new World of Darkness title that revolved around a scientific experiment to explore life-after-death, was the final core series to be released before long-time fans had their hearts broken.

The New World of Darkness came out in the mid-2000s, starting with a core book just for the human side of the WoD, and currently only covers Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, and Mage: the Awakening. Buy all the suppliments and kiss that college tuition, n00b. No, really; that's how they set it up. And they're all hardcovers. Lame.

White Wolf RPGs are played a level-free system, meaning that points in ceratin abilities determined your ability to do complex actions in the game, rather than being a "must be level 12" fiend. Character sheets, which are supplied in the books, cover these abilities and attributes and allow for a character to be developed on paper more as an alternative identity rather than a character made only for battle and healing. Occupations and locations are mostly free range.

The game is played with pencil and paper and action successes are determined soley with a pool of ten-sided dice, rather than the various sided-dice in DnD. Example, a character wants to sneek past a guard. The storyteller might tell the player to roll their perception and subterfuge, and that the difficulty is 7. The player will add up the number of points they have in subterfuge and perception and roll that many dice. The number of rolled dice that are even or greater than 7 decide as to whether or not the character snuck by successfully and how well or poorly they did. A dice rolled as 1 will damage your results (horribly so if you had no successes), while a 0/10 will cause automatic success or cancel out a 1.

The World of Darkness is extreemly well researched to the point in which it's not that uncommon to see a fan thinking that White Wolf created a DiVinci Code-esque cover up for real were-wolves and vampires, dispite the disclaimer put in each book.

White Wolf also produces board games, video games, novels, and cardgames. The best of the cardgames created by the company is Pimp: the Backhanding, which parodies the Wizards of the Coasts' Magic: the Gathering.
I went to visit my boyfriend, when I found him playing the new World of Darkness games by White Wolf with a bunch of emo kids. I retched and dumped him on the spot.
by CerridwenStorms April 28, 2006
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Any Wicca-based tradition that deviates heavily from the traditions set up by Gerald Gardner and his initiates. Most tend to put emphasis on the religious aspect of Wicca, rather than the fact that Wicca is an iniatory, mystery based priesthood and often aren't initiated as according to tradition.

Practicing this doesn't not, however, constitue one being a fluffy bunny.
Some people credit Cunningham for the Neo-Wiccan movement, but some say that it really started with Buckland.
by CerridwenStorms May 26, 2006
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1) An ST/DM's best friend.

2) The solution to munchkins and bad player characters.

3) A flaming cow dropped from the sky onto someone as "divine punishment".
Upon meeting Jon's character, Anna's character stabbed him to death and took all his equipment without even an exchange of words. For this, I dropped a celestial bovine on her character, told her to make a new one, and transfer no expereince points.
by CerridwenStorms May 16, 2006
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1) Creepy things from the Wizard of Oz that are either really brightly colored and often bear candy or are seen hanging in the background, if you look carefully.

2) The best card game ever, along with Pimp: the Backhanding. Makes fun of number 3.

3) The most annoying roleplaeyers you'll ever have to deal with, who characteristicly max out their stats, mostly without reprecution, play to mindlessly kill anything in their paths and boss the rest of your players around, and get as many dots or levels as possible. Most don't really develope their characters' personalities.
a) My sidekick played the biggest munchkin in his highschool production of the Wiz. He had to go around, kneeling with clow shoes sewn onto the knees of his bight yellow overalls, and he still was half a head taller than most of the other munchkins.

b) I was playing a game of Munchkin the other day, and Frank, Jess and I all got to level nine and had to duke it out for the win. It was intense.

c) I swear, if _____ insists on making his new character another fraking munchkin, I'm going to be the ebil ST and either drop a celestial bouvine on him or force him to fight a fucking manticore within three games.
by CerridwenStorms May 16, 2006
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1. New-Age religion/priesthood formed by Gerald Gardner, and English civil servant, around the 1950s, possibly the 1940s. The theology and practices were already established in the '40s, but the name Wicca was not applied until Gardner's publications in the '50s. Wicca is a mix of paganism based on theories of ancient practices (namely Celtic traditions), nature worship, and ceremonial magic. Masonry is also believed to play a part in Wicca. Influences on the creation of Wicca are Dr. Margret Murray (debunked theorist), Aliester Crowley, the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O. Traditional Wicca is more about the preisthood, and requires initiation from a liniaged coven and involves several "mysteries" that are only supposed to be learned in three degrees through a coven. While Wicca certainly promotes the belief in magic, it doesn't require the practice of it. The religion/priesthood has as much credibility as, say, Christianity and NAtive American Shamanism.

2. Neo-Wicca. Any form of Wicca that deviates from the liniage of Gardner's Wicca and the traditions that grew from them. Neo-Wicca focus more on the religious aspect of Wicca and does not require initiation and can be practiced solitary. Though the pracitioners of Neo-Wicca tend to be more ecclectic, there are traditions of Neo-Wicca, and practitioners still have to follow the core tenants of Wicca to be defined as such, namely the worship of a God and Goddess, adherance to the Wiccan Rede, belief in the Threefold Law/Law of Return, etc. Neo-Wicca is no less credible than Traditional Wicca.

3. Supposed ancient religion that lived "underground" society until "Old Dorthy" initiated Gerald Gardner, who later "exposed" the tradition by publishing his books. Whether or not that Old Dorthy existed is unknown, and even if this ancient path existed, it is not the Wicca that Gardner published.

4. The title given to a priest of Wicca, also called "Wiccan".

5. Old English term for "wise one" in a masculine form. The femenine is "wicce". Whether or not this is factual is debated.

6. Not what Silver RavenWolf is selling...

7. Practice often abused by teenagers and bored housewives who want to 1)rebel against their traditional roots, 2) want to have extreme power (hah!), not spiritualism, 3) are too absorbed in "the love and light" side of the New-Age and call it the wrong fackin' thing, 4) be Willow from Buffy. These people usually never really research Wicca more than a single book, if you're lucky.

1. Doreen Valiente was an initiate of Gardner's and is often called the "Grandmother of Wicca."

2. Traditional Wiccans credit Scott Cunningham for the Neo-Wicca movement.

3. Many Pagans, Wiccan or not, debate the belief of an ancient Wicca religion.

4. George will become a Wicca after his initiation into the Golden Star Coven.

6. The local "Wiccan" coven is liniaged with Silver RavenWolf. My friends and I often have to stiffle our laughter as we pass their "temple".

7. Please stop calling yourselves Wiccans just 'cause you skimmed through Uncle Buck's Big Blue Book.
by CerridwenStorms April 24, 2006
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