2 definitions by Cecilie Jensen

Something an "edgy" cringe most likely teen says in a meme on Reddit like Reddit is an army or some shit.

Retard 1: ReDdIt BeTtEr ThAn InStAgRaM

Retard 2: no it's not

Retard 1: i'M pOsTiNg ThIs On ReDdIt To PrOvE yOu WrOnG rEdDiT aSsEmBlE!!!!
by Cecilie Jensen March 1, 2020
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The name Ja kob is infamous for describing a man that sleeps in everyday and/or waits for the last moment to write an essay every time one is due.
1. You have been absent from morning class 3 days in a row, are you turning into a Ja kob?

2. You're such a Ja kob, it's two hours before deadline and you haven't even started writing on your essay yet?
by Cecilie Jensen March 5, 2021
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