9 definitions by Cecil

That guy done a bardsloid by putting 3 lapdances on his expenses and fiddling the receipts.
by Cecil January 16, 2004
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(verb): the act of tounge wrestling an incapacitated female prior to her releasing her previously digested substances orally. Once digested food has escaped the digestive track, the male continues to make out with the female before she has brushed her teeth.
Damn! Did you see Will give Callie the paine special. That was gross.
by Cecil March 19, 2005
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To divert conversation to a better/more comfortable subject, or simply to avoid the current subject in order to get one's self out of the shit...used sometimes as an alternative to 'pass us that spade mate'
Man: Will you marry me?
Woman: Seven.
Man: Is that yes then?
Woman: Seven.
Man: So it's a no?
Woman: Seven.
Man: Seven what?
Woman: Seven.
Man: What d'ya mean seven?
Woman: Seven.
Man: Seven o'clock?
Woman: Seven.
Man: Seven deadly sins?
Woman: Seven.
Man: Seven wonders of the world...
Woman: Seven.
Man: Eight
Woman: Seven.
Man: Six
Woman: Seven.
Man: Fuck it.
....Mission Accomplished!!
by Cecil April 11, 2005
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After a long night of porno, the teenage boy went off to stroke his Schu-Bunny.
by Cecil October 21, 2003
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A man with one arm (sometimes with the addition of an eyepatch) who skulks public restrooms for anonymous sex acts.
The one armed bandit has been hanging around the public bathroom all morning.
by Cecil January 26, 2003
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My mother in-law cheese cake is goog I want to live with her
by Cecil March 21, 2004
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In the same vein as "Female ejaculation", The result of a particularly draining sexual experience. Sexual Climax brings about the involuntary relaxation of the arse sphincter, causing the "love chocolate" to flow.
" No, it's only love chocolate, honey, I swear! It's okay to eat it!"
by Cecil January 9, 2005