15 definitions by CarizmaGuy


Aging Yuppies & Hipsters seeping into broad society. Struggling with the reality of being grown up, in a bonded-pair relationship, and having their first child. Also known as a GRUP: a grown up Yuppie or Hipster.

The normalized sociological transition from Young Adult to Suburban Bonded-pair Parents, has been delayed from historic trends. People are getting married at older ages and the percentage of married couples is on a significant decline. A significant percentage of the populous have delayed the migration to home ownership and creation of family units.
The primary contributor to this trend is likely due to the poor economic condition from 2007 to 2016, greatly restricting the ability
San Ramon is seeing an increase of Seepsters moving in from San Francisco.

This place has a Seepster feel about it. I am feeling real old about now
by CarizmaGuy November 3, 2016
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This s a place to go where you are having more of a one on one experience. A spot where you and your partner or close friend can experience a private-like space, like a corner table away from others or a quiet spot away from the crowd.
I used the Carizma App to find this intimate spot to take my date so we could have a more romantic experience.
by CarizmaGuy November 4, 2016
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Speakeasy’s are also called blind pig or blind tiger, inspired by the hidden spots to get a drink during the Prohibition in the 1920s. Today's Speakeasy are often small and almost impossible to find bars with an intimate crowd and a good time to be had for all. Speakeasy’s are almost impossible to find. They are often nothing more than a none descript door and barely of any signage to be seen
We found this incredible Speakeasy close to Union square in San Francisco when using the Carizma App.
by CarizmaGuy December 17, 2016
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When a person concurrently displays both a curiosity along with a high level of inconsideration; inconsiderosity.
The little Boy pulled on the old man's beard curious if it was real: inconsiderosity
Steve's inconsiderosity couldn't stop him from asking the women with the short hair style if she was a lesbian.
The level of inconsiderosity was overwhelming as he insisted that the older women discuss with the group her weight problem.
by CarizmaGuy November 1, 2016
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The DL or The Down Low, like many terms and phrases in the American culture, can attribute their genesis to the Gay and Urban Black community, The, "DL" has evolved to be used universally to refer to activities conducted secretly and behind the scenes. The DL can also refer to behavior described as slick or deceptive.
The term has truly evolved. In recent times DL has gone from being used exclusively to describe covert male homosexual behavior of a man fronting (portraying himself), as a heterosexual but in reality is actually a closet Gay man, to now refer to any behavior, action, or behavior that can be described as secretive or deceptive.

DL or “Down Low”, attributes its genesis from the Inner City Black and Sub Culture. The Black community was slow to accept the male homosexual in their community so Black Men were maintaining a cover, by acting as they were only into the Ladies. Their homosexuality was secret and thus adopted the term, “Down Low” to refer to a man that is a closet homosexual or a man that engages in sexual relations with both male and female partners. The term evolved to identify such men as their female partners were discovering that their Man was subversively engaging in sexual relations with another man on the side, (on the DL) while their female partner was unaware of his behavior and sexual preference. Prior to the Homosexual descriptive, the term was used to describe: any kind of secretive, slick, and/or deceptive behavior.
None Sexual Reference: Steve is moonlighting as a Bartender on the DL so his friends don't go to the bar and harass him while on the job.
Sexual Reference: Mike is seeing His Girl's BF on the DL hoping she won't bust him out.
by CarizmaGuy November 3, 2016
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Weaving Spiders refers to Business types (individuals) networking and working on business dealings. They are spinning webs (telling their stories) of tales of success and future business opportunities.

The Bohemian Club, of fame and fortune in San Francisco, Est 1878, has a club motto of: “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here”. This implies that you are to leave your business dealing and networking tactics at the door, for this place is to be for enjoyment and relaxation.


The Term itself derives from Shakespeare in the Play: A Midsummers Night’s Dream, Act 2 SCENE II. Another part of the wood

Come our lovely lady nigh;
So, good night, with lullaby.
Weaving spiders, come not here;
Hence, you long-legg'd spinners, hence
The place is full of Weaving Spiders cutting their deal and planning for their next finical conquests.

Where do the Corporate types hang out in San Francisco weaving their webs and rubbing shoulders with the other Weaving Spiders?
by CarizmaGuy November 2, 2016
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A bar specializing in mixed drinks the specialty drinks. These bars not only serve up delicious mixed drinks, but specialize in unique and daring creations as well. Serving up great cocktails with a signature.
Where can I find the best Cocktail bars in town? I used Carizma to find this place. I loved their interpretation of the Moscow Mull
by CarizmaGuy December 17, 2016
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