8 definitions by Capsicle

Reporter: Hilary Clinton is now the first female president of the U.S.!
Person: oh dear. I doubt this is gonna affect me that much though.

Reporter: Donald Trump is now the President!
Person: *hurridly packing bags* Canada here I come!
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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A young aircraft enthusiast belonging to the ATC. Can, will and have chased pilots for miles in order to obtain their signatures on an item of clothing.
Who's that in that RAF uniform?

That's an air cadet.
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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Still doesn't get that half the Labour Party don't like him.
So what do you think about Jeremy Corbyn?
I'm a conservative.
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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Victors of the Battle of Britain, aren't afraid to remind those who mess with them as to WHY they won.
The RAF is joining the conflict in retaliation to...
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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UK airforce. Is often let down by lack of funding and general government failures. Usually the Air Force that the Yanks drag along with them when they go to war.
Who are those guys coming in now.
They're the RAF.
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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Air Training Corps.
Members are die-hard plane enthusiasts and they can and will prove it. They are also known as Air Cadets.

These cadets are very handy to have onboard a crippled airliner that's going down over some god forsaken wilderness.
Does anyone know how to fly a plane?!

I'm a member of the ATC, I can keep the aircraft in the air.
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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A racisist US presidential candidate, who wants to build a massive great big wall; but obviously won't manage to do it as he cannot actually manage build a filter for his mouth. He is really quite delusional.
News reporter: and Donald Trump has won the Presidential election!
Person: *on phone to family in Austrailia*. Yup, I'm booking the flights now. I'm getting out while I've still got the chance!
by Capsicle July 29, 2016
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