9 definitions by Cappy C

Noun-A term used to describe an individual who prefers the workplace as his/her dating pool. This person is typically the first to know about new hires , training sessions, and company outings. The workplace whore typically takes his/her unwanted behavior in a lunch setting and will often ogle and flirt with the waitstaff; may think his/her peers thinks its funny??? They appear to be always in pursuit; chatting co-workers up in the hallway, lobby, breakroom, chili cookoffs, company picnics, etc...They may use a holiday party as an opportunity to get their drink on and "go in for the kill"! etc...Truth be told, these folks use the workplace as a dating app and are too damn lazy to put themselves out there and pursue another outside of work.
Beverly is such a workplace whore! Wtf is she wearing that dress with her tits hanging out with those hideous "Fuck me boots"? At last years Christmas party she was super wasted and was hitting on the VP of Operations. At the afterparty she was on the dancefloor dry-humping Tommy in Marketing. So unprofessional!!!She hasn't figured out that "You don't shit where you eat"!!!
by Cappy C February 6, 2023
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Noun. An individual who possesses a cavalier attitude about most things in his/her life; particularly while dating. Furthermore, this person thrives in ambiguity and is extremely unwilling to give time or energy towards another. They usually are skilled at saying the right things but doesn't necessarily do them; fails to materialize and commit. In other words , he/she "talks the talk" about co-habitating, but it never goes further. At the end of the day, people like this are a menace to society and are a huge waste of time! Set their asses free and move on to someone who has their shit together! They need to grow the hell up!!!
"When I asked if he was talking to anyone else on a dating app , I received a half-ass response that involved him not wanting to commit to anybody". Ugghh, just go on Tinder then! Why is your ass even on a dating app? What a tool"!
" We've been together for 2 years, kinda wondering what the next step is? We've talked about moving in, but when? Wtf! I think I' getting played" Tired of this non-committer!!!!!!!
by Cappy C January 23, 2023
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