12 definitions by CanisMinor

n. A frying pan turned upside down and used as an umbrella. It will always keep you completely dry no matter how hard it rains.

First seen in an episode of Pokemon.
Oh no, it's raining! I know! I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan!
by CanisMinor December 2, 2014
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slang sexual term meaning anus, usually referring to an especially tight anus
He got his little star fingered
by CanisMinor December 1, 2014
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One who has an unhealthy fascination with butts or butt-related paraphernalia
Todd's tendency to stare at people's asses showed that he was a real butthogger.
by CanisMinor November 5, 2013
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Mexican slang for 'cool'. Anything can be padre; t-shirts, cars, actors, food, Antonio Banderas...

'Padre' is often used in common phrases such as "Que padre!" ("How cool!") or 'mas padre' ('very cool').

In Spanish, 'padre' literally translates to 'father' or 'parent'. And yes, 'su padre puede ser padre'.

Nobody seems to know why this is the word for cool.
Ay, chico, your car is really padre!
by CanisMinor August 1, 2014
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Mexican slang for 'cool'. Anything can be padre; t-shirts, cars, actors, food, Antonio Banderas...

'Padre' is often used in common phrases such as "Que padre!" ("How cool!") or 'mas padre' ('very cool').

In Spanish, 'padre' literally translates to 'father' or 'parent'. And yes, 'su padre puede ser padre'.

Nobody seems to know why this is the word for cool.
Ay, chico, your car is really padre!
by CanisMinor August 1, 2014
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n. A term meaning obtaining a weapon or ability that is so powerful that it renders the user nearly invincible. Usually used to refer to an item in a video game obtained via discovering a secret or, more often cheating.

From a 1980's commercial for the GameGenie, a cheating device to be used in conjunction with the Nintendo Entertainment System, wherein one of the boys using it claims he is going to "get radical firepower"
Beating this boss is easy when you've got radical firepower!
by CanisMinor December 1, 2014
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A term used by lazy and/or shitty writers (usually creepypasta writers) when they want to describe a piece of artwork that looks good enough to almost pass as a photo, but they also don't feel like writing out a meaningful description of said artwork.

Using this phrase more often than not puts a story into crappypasta territory.
The sky had darkened, the title emblem was rusted and ruined, the SEGA 1991 was now instead SEGA 666, and the water had turned red, like blood, except it looked hyper-realistic.
by CanisMinor April 16, 2016
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