2 definitions by CandyRamen

A black conservative woman who tells it like it is!!! Having been raised in poverty herself, she knows first hand the problems and SOLUTIONS that black America needs to implement if we want to free ourselves from the harmful policies of the "progressives." She may be a yapper at times, but she's very brilliant. She's the voice of black conservatives and future leader of black America.
Candace Owens has become a spokesperson for black republicans. She bases her arguments on logic and FACTS unlike Maxine Waters, Don Lemon, and other black "progressives" who claim to have our peoples' interests at heart. We as blacks need to start addressing our own issues from within our culture rather than viewing ourselves as oppressed victims. Only then can we progress.
by CandyRamen January 9, 2021
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A bullshit field of study which will cancel any plans you have made (or will make) in order to sit there and go over error messages over and over again. And when you finally do manage to get your code to compile, you're already half-dead from lack of sleep, your face is oily asf from all that caffeine and sweets that you've been eating because lack of sleep is giving you pregnancy cravings, and your back hurts like a mf from sitting on your ass all day and night. Getting your code to compile is only half the battle. You also have to make sure your assignments get past your instructor's plagiarism check which is stupid because none of the TA's actually go through and look at the code by hand; it's done with software. Don't major in CS folks. Do something that will reward you in life!
"I used to be a computer science major until I lost my gains, got acne after it was gone for years, and missed a lot of events that I coulda gone to, but didn't cuz I was reading over my code. And when I did go to those events, I still got points deducted even though I studied the material on my phone during the bus and rail rides. I'm in chemistry now. I couldn't be happier (and am also in the best shape of my life!)!"

"I quit CS. Best thing I've ever done."
by CandyRamen October 12, 2018
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