12 definitions by Calypsion

High School North in Toms River, New Jersey.

Nicknamed 'Heroin High' for it's illegal drug trade, inclusing coke, weed, ecstacy, and.. what else? Heroin.
Also known for the huge ass rock rolled onto the football field before each game. But mostly for the drug trade.
It's the worst of the three high schools of TR.
Me: Oh joy. Next year I start my days as a Northie at Heroin High.
Friend: I feel bad for you. -going to East-
by Calypsion December 24, 2005
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The Weapon of Mass Destruction that Dubya is so worried about.

The terrorists are going to plant them in convenient places so that we Americans eat and choke on them. That's what Bush did, right?
He choked on a pretzel. A -pretzel.-
by Calypsion September 27, 2005
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The nectar of the gods.

Loaded with about 33mg of caffeine per can.
Pepsi completely crushes coke.
by Calypsion April 3, 2006
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'Talented' is not a good enough word. Anti-Flag is one of the few bands that can still bull off fast, loud, and political music without sounding like total idiots.

I highly recommend 'The Press Corpse' on their latest album, 'For Blood and Empire.'
by Calypsion June 28, 2006
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Proof that America really is turning into a talentless shithole.

see also: Lindsay Lohan
People like Hilary Duff are living proof that one needs no talent in order to make a name for themselves; they just have to have connections and a mindset that enables them to become a manufactured public icon.
by Calypsion June 29, 2006
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