53 definitions by CallumFoster

The design or aesthetic qualities of something that are coloured in muted, dull and drab tones, where they should be bright and inviting.
The stuff in the arts and crafts stall seems to have all been hit by the mutehammer; it’s boring as hell.
by CallumFoster December 6, 2020
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Someone who enshrines themselves in the Marvel cinematic universe, and attacks anyone who has any slight gripes with any of the associated films.
Don’t tell Mark I don’t fancy watching ‘Antman’ he’s in the MCUlt and won’t look too kindly on me.
by CallumFoster December 16, 2019
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A panacearian is someone who can cure all ailments and conflicts, usually this person is a well respected leader or community member.
I'm being a panacearian today, I quelled the neighborhood rivalry, made peace with the man, and whipped up a special bowl of hot soup for Clara's cold; writing down the recipe for all her classmates.
by CallumFoster October 8, 2019
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Fridacious is that joyful buzz, akin to the 'Friday feeling' you get about something.
The thought of going out with you is the most fridacious thing I can think of.
by CallumFoster April 3, 2020
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The notch below 'Phobia.' Discomfia is not the irrational fear of something, but is a sense of discomfort around it;

Hydrophobia - Hydrodiscomfia

Agoraphobia - Agoradiscomfia

Claustrophobia - Claustrodiscomfia
It wasn't that he was phobic to sleeping with the light off, its just the eerie sense of discomfia he got from it.
by CallumFoster February 10, 2020
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Convulturous describes someone who gets argumentative with something you’ve said, not because they didn’t agree with it, but because they have distain for you.
I don’t think you have an issue with my stance, I think you’re just convulturous, i’ve noticed it ever since I got that promotion.
by CallumFoster February 20, 2020
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