16 definitions by Cal

The god-damn sexiest hunk of a man.
May be used to refer to a male who is tall, fantabulous in bed, amusing, compassionate, articulate and all-round special. Synonymous with "big hunky".
"Geez, that guy is a total Morgue."


"I wish I had a Morgue".


"That chick thinks she is so it, now that she has a Morgue".
by Cal May 21, 2003
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1. one who does not set trends, but only follows them and bleeds all originality out of them.

this is especialyl true in the graphic design scene.
by Cal June 25, 2003
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people, other than of chinese ethinticity who try to act like FOBs, say this. means to release gas, usually from your ass.
person 1: wtf was that?
person 2: it was me!
person 3: haha he fung pee'ed

(had to incorporate some english in there with the "ed")
by Cal March 9, 2003
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A smart, athletic person, also known as an Athgeek.
This person also has superb computer skills.
Despite that, a Chr0niC will still remain the center of attention to the opposite(yes, OPPOSITE!) gender.
Man, I wish that Chr0niC was mine..
by Cal November 23, 2004
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liberating piece(s) of clothing that young girls wear to get their way. Usually worn with nothing else other than a holster.
CAAAALOWIE walked out in cowboy bewts (sick..) and demanded tuck to do her in the ass. we all said, "GET out." (this is the one and only situation where cowboy bewts do not work.) Now a situation where bewts do work. When your pet cat josAH gives you ringworm, you go out in cowboy bewts attire (and yes, a holster) and demand a coonskin hat and a box of bob the builder (be specific) fruit snacks. you get your hat, AND those osofruityfruit bob the builder fruit snacks. now get out.
by Cal January 5, 2004
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The female version of male version of "Dude". He's a dude and she's a dudette.
Three of my favorite dudettes were swinging down the street.
by Cal August 30, 2004
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"Icy Burberry Bitch"

A bitch so cold that she not only refuses to acknowledge your presence but pretends that you don't even exist.
Noticing that we were approaching, the IBB quickly put on her sunglasses and headphones because she was that much better than us.
by Cal May 23, 2004
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