20 definitions by Caitlin13579

An intense adjective used to describe something pleasant or nice. Could pertain to a feeling, a smell, someones appearance, etc. The complete opposite of "smashed ass."

I feel like smashed face.

Yummy, something smells like smashed face!!

Your dad looks like smashed face.
Smashed face pertains:
feeling: I love you <3333
Smell: mmmm!! mom's home made baked cookies!!
appearance: Man!! is she hot or what?!
by Caitlin13579 March 12, 2008
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The term used to describe a person who sharpens his/her pencil every 2-5 minutes, (because they always want it sharp as it can get) resulting in their pencil ending up 2 inchs long the next day.
My friend always over sharpens her pencil. She is Over Pencil Sharpening.
by Caitlin13579 September 21, 2008
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Someone much more than an incredible jerk. Someone much like Satan. A very dangerous and intensely fucking evil person.

Signals that someones an asshole (Very dangerous, avoid these people):
#1 Someone/Some people who laughs at you.
#1.1 Someone/Some people who STILL laughs at you after you snapped and went to the Childrens/Adults hospital over 5 times.
#1.2 Someone/Some people who STILL laughs at you while/when you just been Physically/Verbally abused.
#2 Someone/Some people who fuck up your mental health.

Ex.#1: Lots of people are Complete Fucking Assholes.
Ex.#2: A little 13 girl named Suzie Witherspoon, and a little 15 boy named Thomas Witherspoon were obviously brother & sister. One day a big, fat, ugly bully/popular bastard guy named Earl Evans in their school, Spread a/some rumor(s) about them all over New Brunswick (where they lived)!! Everywhere they went most people laughed at them inside their vehicles. 2 years later they were both found dead by suicide under the polluted-with-human-shit river.
by Caitlin13579 August 20, 2008
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A person that skips school and does drugs behind it. A real loser is a person that makes fun of and calls a well-liked person a loser.

A loser is NOT a person that is a nerd or a person that has a hard time fitting in, in school.

so-called popular kid: Hey loser!!

"loser": Who are you calling a loser? I'm a grade "A" student.

"loser" finishs junior high, enters high school: Wow, I'm popular now because I have high marks and I don't do drugs!!

so-called popular kid finishs junior high, enters high school: wow!! I called someone a loser in junior high, and now I'm the real loser!!
by Caitlin13579 February 13, 2008
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Lacking knowledge/being rude doesn't make you happy, #1: Lacking knowledge will make you look stupid (depends on the IQ level). Nobody likes it when people are stupid.
#2: Being rude will make everyone hate you. Nobody like it when people are rude.

Future: Then you will be sad for the rest of your life.
idiot: ignorance is bliss.
person with a functioning brain: oh really? No, ignorance is NOT bliss, fucktard!
by Caitlin13579 August 21, 2008
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- Something we should all care about because if we don't we will die (global warming).
- Something 95% of the world population doesn't care about because apparently we all all selfish, and most of all, STUPID.
- Something people start to realize why they should care about the environment, when it comes at the very end of it all. (See stupid)
Hevick of the Bahamas didn't care about the environment, and he also thought it was foolish to and thought "why care about the environment?" Hevick's country was hit by global warming along with severe floods. Then he realized for not caring about the environment, he wasn't the only fool that caused global warming, he also realized why to care about the environment. He now has common sense.
by Caitlin13579 March 22, 2008
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Househugger: A person that cares for the economy and other people. And will do anything to save the economy from going downhill.
The opposite of treehugger.

Treehugger: A person that cares for the environment and animals. And will do anything to save the environment from going downhill.
The opposite of a househugger.

Herbert: "Now you see how ridiculous it is to call someone a treehugger?"
Phil: "Yes I do!! Ever since I read the definition "househugger"
Househuggers and treehuggers don't get along.
by Caitlin13579 March 20, 2008
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