1 definition by CaLoki_Grey

Jamie Dornan is a guy who will literally stole your heart after you see him for 0,0001 second.

he is known for his roles in Fifty Shades movie as Christian Grey.
fun fact: HE'S SUPER HOT AND CHARMING (If you disagree, it means you haven't watch 50 Shades)
he have tons of funny story to tell you and graham norton loves him a lot.

once glued a fake hair to his "nut" (sometimes he's stupid but who cares? COZ HE'S SO HOT)
has 3 little girl, 2 older sister (one of them used to beat him with a remote control on his head, and every time she does that it will give 10% of charm to Jamie)
not forget to mention that he can sing!!!
has a sleepwalking problem when he was a kid (while he does that he poo in the bath)
but very good at making girls forget how to walk
his irish accent is so SEXY
(coz he's killing all the ladies)

if you meet him, don't forget to breathe.
by CaLoki_Grey November 23, 2021
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