4 definitions by CVdizzle

"eat bread Dgraf, you never shut up"
by CVdizzle January 22, 2010
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when a hockey player gets 2 assists in the same game
Joe: dude I totally got the first 2 assists of my career tonight

Mike: holy fuck no way the rarely-seen Danny Paille hat trick!!! congrats brosef
by CVdizzle January 13, 2010
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when you think one thing is going to happen but a completely different thing occurs, or when you have an idea but it turns out to be completely wrong
guy #1: "man look at that chick up ahead she's got a bangin body"

guy #2: "whoa dude.. that's not a chick that is a fuckin dude!"

guy #1: "oh man I got totally mind dangled"
by CVdizzle January 22, 2010
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when you see pictures of a chick on facebook and she looks smokin' hot, and then eventually you meet her in person and she is significantly less attractive than you expected, and has a kind of weird personality, and you are disappointed.
"hey man good luck tonight with that hot facebook chick"

- 5 hours later -

"dude I met up with the chick at this local sports bar and she was like 4 feet tall and not nearly as attractive as i thought, and she was kinda weird to boot.. i knew within like 10 minutes I didn't like her"

"man that sucks you totally got van hausered, oh well live and learn eh"
by CVdizzle January 22, 2010
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