45 definitions by CTU_FieldAgent200

-A phrase used when a bro is blue balled or upset over a girl. The "thang" being the girl and the "nothing" part showing the insignificance. I suggest you use whenever a broski is down as its chill, down to earth and kewl.
Tim: Boo hoo hoo!

John: Whats the matter broski you look upset?!!!
Tim: My girlfriend left me for my best friend after blue balling me.
John: Dang that sucks broski but in the end it ain't nothing but a thang.....
Tim: *Immediately feels better* Yeah your right...brb fucking bitches and getting money.

As you can see the statement is very useful.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 December 27, 2011
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Probably the most attractive female human being ever to walk this disgraceful planet. I sincerely hope you youtube her videos following reading this. Basically she is very fit, athletic, woman that does videos for bodyrock tv. Oh yeah she's also a porn star by the name of susana spears lol. If your not flapping to her videos (on youtube) at least once a week then I honestly don't know why or what your doing, it's not like anything you and i will ever rail will come close to her.
Zuzana light has once again created a ridiculously sexy video on YouTube. Just goes to show how straight YouTube is!
by CTU_FieldAgent200 September 26, 2010
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Street name for clonazepam (brand name: klonopin). Basically the same potency of xanax but triple the half life making your usual xanned out experience longer acting or in my case not feeling like the world is collapsing 24/7. 0.5mg kpin = 10mg valium. kpins are bad ass and I suggest trying them but don't use them or opioids chronically unless you have a prescription in which case its fine because you have a solid source. Oh yeah and don't rapidly stop off kpins or xanax or other benzo's unless your like full blown seizures, double the anxiety you had before your doctor put you on the drug and of course the DT's like some alcoholic and other weird stuff.
Ever since I was introduced to benzo's I learned that pharmaceuticals aren't just sugar pills and that there are effective drugs....

k-pins are a life saver for people with chronic anxiety that have finally realized SSRI's are a pile or platypus shit for anxiety.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 January 28, 2011
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1. Something that can get in the way of copious amounts debauchery and general fun. It can also prevent you from doing even moderately moral activities.

2. Something that can be easily turned off with some xanax.
1. Damn I was going to pick up that hot sophomore, go to the party, roll then make out with t3h wimmenz but my conscience instantly projected a picture of my mom calling me a druggie pedophile and threatening to take everything I own away.

2. I need to cheat on this test because I don't give a shit about spanish and the American school system doesn't test for critical think instead of bullshit languages and courses I'll never use (or want to for the matter) in my set in stone career...let me go ahead and just turn that conscience off *pops an entire xanax bar*
by CTU_FieldAgent200 January 8, 2011
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When it comes to mafia, gang, black ops (not the fucking video game), and other shit the "trigger man" is the one who ties up the loose ends. A dirty job but the trigger man makes sure one whistle blower doesn't mess up a well planned operation, robbery, hit, etc. If you don't have the heart to be the trigger man, there will always be a bastard out there that won't bat an eye over doing it.
Example from "The Town", Man one is Jeremy Renner, and man two is Ben Affleck in a conversation.

Man one: You uh, check on that thing, the license?
Man two: Yeah, nothin', its a dead end. We are all set.
Man one: So no need to remove her from the equation?
Man two: What are ya a Trigger man now?
Man two: Just loose ends kid.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 December 5, 2011
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Basically the better version of alcohol, also known as purple drank (yes drank), lean' and texas tea. You get some sprite or mountain dew then you get some jolly ranchers crush em' up throw em' in your choice of clear soda then you need some cough syrup, none of that DXM bullshit unless your looking to get spacy and trippy but that's not what sizzurps about. The cough syrup has to contain codeine w/ promethazine like the original formula or tussinex which is liquid hydrocodone with an antihistamine and is better than codeine. Some formula's below:

Codeine w/ Promethazine cough syrup
Clear sprite soda
Jolly ranchers

Retarded dumb-ass formula:
Over the counter DXM syrup

Modern and enhanced version:
Tussinex (liq. Hydrocodone suspension 12hour release)
Mountain dew/any sprite flavor
Jolly ranchers if so desired.

The rolls royce of sizzurp:
OxyFast (liq. Oxycodone suspension)
Mountain dew
Jolly ranchers

Just like good ol' momma's recipe's there exist diversity amonst formulations.
sip sip sip sippin' on some sizzurp....pppppppp
by CTU_FieldAgent200 April 5, 2011
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1. When your sitting around in a non-intimate environment with your girlfriend and you get a random unwanted boner. Most of the time it has nothing to do with actually being horny which sucks even more... Good luck mate, just think of Dr. Phil's face for a whole 5 seconds and it'll help get rid of it..sometimes..Just pray you don't have to get up.

2. Somewhat of a related term known as morning wood when you wake up with a random ass boner usually needing to use the bathroom. Its quite a challenge if you have siblings, especially sisters as you have to somehow run to the bathroom (before they brush their hair for 45 minutes), hide the largest known erection known to man, and when you finally get to their your lucky if you don't piss all over the floor. Good luck again Dr. Phil's face....
1. I was with my girlfriend at her house and things started to go well then her parents got home and she grabbed my hand to introduce me to them. I had to quickly visualize Doctor Phil to get rid of my unwanted erection

2. Tom awaking not to just his alarm clock but to his raging morning wood rushed to the bathroom only to be beat by his sister right as his mother walked out of her room to see his unwanted erection. Thank God she was not wearing her contacts and thought it was just his "cell phone" in his "pocket" of his boxers. Tom then rolled down the stairs and pissed all over the down stairs bathroom
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 28, 2011
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