11 definitions by CARL JOHNSON

27 year old Comoton Rapper. His most recent record label is Aftermath. Most recent albun Damn and all the people that hate him can suck a dick
Fagget 1:Hey did you hear the new Kendrick Lamar song?
Fagget 2:Who is he that faggit from Black Hippy?
by CARL JOHNSON June 2, 2017
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To fight, or scrap. Throw your fists at some fool.
Homie #1: Hey fool, you wanna scrap?

Homie #2: Yeah, I aint afraid to squab!
by CARL JOHNSON August 5, 2005
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to perform or carry out with success
to attain with effort or difficulty
I achieved my longtime goal of jumping off a building.
by CARL JOHNSON March 17, 2005
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The Police.

50, pronounced "five oh", means the cops. It comes from the cop show Hawaii 5-0, and IT HAS JACK SHIT TO DO WITH MOTHERFUCKING CROWN VICTORIA'S, YOU STUPID MARK!!
by CARL JOHNSON December 14, 2004
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