10 definitions by CA3B20A3G

1. A female that is attractive in every way

2. Someone who is feeling good about them selves

3. Someone who is feeling shit about them selves

4. Something good

5. Something you sometimes get from the police when you do something illegal, when in fact, it's not fine at all (except for the government)
1. Damn she fine!

2. Dude: How are ya?
Girl: I'm fine

3. Dude: How are ya?
Girl: I'm fine

4. That's fine!

5. Damn I just go a fine from the pigs for urinating in public
by CA3B20A3G September 18, 2007
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Person 1: My best friend got hit by a truck and is now on life support :'(

Person 2: ahah
by CA3B20A3G August 16, 2007
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The 23rd letter of the alphabet, pronounced "Double-You". When in fact it should be redefined as "Double-Vee" because it does not in fact look at all like 2 U's (UU) but looks more like 2 V's (VV), thus why it should be redefined.
Teacher: What is the 23rd letter of the alphabet?

Kid with brains: Double-vee

Teacher: I'm sorry, that is incorrect, the answer was Double-you

Kid with brains: Listen bitch, I was correct, when you write "double-you" do you put 2 U's together? I think not, do you join to V's together though? I think so. So shut your face, I'm rick james bitch!
by CA3B20A3G September 25, 2007
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