10 definitions by C-Hud

the act of checking you are ready to go out and you have all the esesntials in your pocket or another safe area(wallet, gum, condom, cell phone, etc.)
Shit! I didn't take a pocket check before the party!
by C-Hud March 4, 2006
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when you cant fix something right away, but you hafta settle it down or at least put it off for a while
"Shit! well, ig its okay for now, i jus put a band-aid on the situation.." -taylor
by C-Hud March 16, 2006
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The act of messing around/flirting with a girl (or guy) simply because your bored or no one else worth messing with is around. The act occurs spur of the moment.
-Ey man, why was you messin' with her all yesterday?
-I dunno, sperm of the moment.
-Ohhh, I gotcha.
by C-Hud July 27, 2005
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when someone does a stupid, dumbfounded mistake that could have easily been avoided (more specific-spiking the ball on fourth down), made famous by ma boi jaide rose
4th down, 3 seconds,4th down, down by a touchdown, 4 yards to go
Quarterback Rose spikes the ball on fourth down!!! he pulls a rosie!!
by C-Hud November 23, 2005
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when someone keeps on talking and talking to you and it becomes really annoying. all you hear is blah blah blah blah or sssssshhhhh like static
Damn, here she comes again. She was spittin static all yesterday.
by C-Hud October 21, 2005
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What's up? What's goin' on? Hello. Hi. Basicly, a greeting used most by Paul Wall.
'Ey mayne! Wut it do? (moves lips to show big-ass shinnin' diamonds in mouth)
by C-Hud August 22, 2005
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