116 definitions by C

A "rainbow party" is supposed to be a party where girls wear different shades of lipstick and suck a guy off. In actuality, it is a term invented by Oprah and no teen had heard of it until her show in 2004.
Oprah invented rainbow parties so parents can lock up their teens and send them to boarding school.
by C March 15, 2005
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woodpecker (n). a woman who performs
rapid, hands-free horatio. From the
movement of the bird's head as she hammers
your trunk.
She's a real woodpecker.
by C February 24, 2004
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the MIT version: to be completely mentally and physically exhausted from completing some form of academic work typically within the last 8 hours of it being due.
Man I am hosed, I stayed up all night finishing a pset.
by C March 16, 2005
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The act of sex in missionary position. The woman's legs and the woman's legs (all four approximately parallel) "create" the tines of a fork.
"Men prefer forking, women prefer spooning" he said to me.

They were forking all night long.
by C November 24, 2003
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A mixture of swing and jazz.
"Bobby Darin is a great swzz singer."
by C June 17, 2004
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to take a shit; used derrogatorily to say that african american babies are in direct relation to human fecal matter
"Hold on man i gotta go make me some brown babies..."
"Daaaamn you shoulda seen the size of those brown babies i just dropped off at the pool"
by C January 4, 2004
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A brilliant band who brought about the garage punk/rock revolution. Ahh... The Strokes are not British.
by C December 14, 2003
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