12 definitions by Bxa cRu

Said in the act of watching a heavily creamed shottie/ bong to encourage the rip.
Belbustiche! Belbustiche!
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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A small, poor, woman who cleans piss for a living and wears green.
(usually shouted as walking past)
- Leprechaun Woman!
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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A state of paralysis/tranquilisation caused by heavy weed smoking, during which there is no dialogue between cronies.
-He's been in and out of conciousness all night.
-Yeh man, he's smooed
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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A very angry person, due to intoxication.
hes so angreave, man- he should chill out.
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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The facial expression made immediately after a harsh hit from weed.
Check the shottieface - he looks like a rat.
by Bxa cRu July 7, 2003
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