3 definitions by Buzz.Buzz.

Your soul is a representation of your:

1. Thoughts
2. Emotions
3. Desires
4. Spiritual Growth
5. Intuition
6. Wisdom
7. Knowledge

When we lose our way, we become uneasy and off balance. It's normal to question who you are and where you're going. Don't give up. Take the path less traveled on your journey and you shall find great peace within. It might not be an easy road, but it's worth the reward. 🙃

Question everything. Get to the truth of who you are at your core. And if on your path, you change your beliefs when presented with more information... That's alright.👌💪🤔 That's a sign of a healthy, intelligent brain. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

.... It's never too late to be what you might have been ....
You illuminate the darkness with your soul. Don't dim your light for anyone.....

Who are you when no 1 is looking?
by Buzz.Buzz. October 30, 2022
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🎼 Young and full of running
Tell me where is that taking me?
Just a great figure eight
Or a tiny infinity?

Love is really nothing
But a dream that keeps waking me
For all of my trying
We still end up dying
How can it be?

Don't say a word
Just come over and lie here with me
'Cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe
There I just said it
I'm scared you'll forget about me 🎼
I'm on the edge of desire ...

8 ... I see ♾
by Buzz.Buzz. October 30, 2022
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When it's 2:59 am and you can't get back to sleep.

Too much on my mind, but I have to stay on the grind because the world waits for no 1.
Hi... I know it's 259 in the morning, but you're the only person I feel comfortable enough to chat with... Do you have the time to listen?
by Buzz.Buzz. October 30, 2022
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