47 definitions by BusinessMan

An extremely popular website for video game FAQs, cheats, game saves, and etc. While mostly a hang-out for gamers, it is also frequently visited by lovers of anime, wrestling, and etc.

Main Interest:

The best part of GameFAQs (not to mention its namesake and what makes it popular) is the video game FAQs. Containing thousands of guides on various aspects for various games, GameFAQs is basically a heaven for almost anything related to video games.

However, while the FAQs is considered to be the heart and soul of GameFAQs, what truly makes it an exciting place are the message boards. Like all message boards, it has its share of fools, but truth is that a great deal of the board consist of intelligent posters too. Hanging around the message boards of GameFAQs is a virtually guarantee that you'll learn everything you need to know about video games.

The Ugly:

While GameFAQs is truly a wonderful place for gamers, it also has its share of negative aspects, which can be summarized into two words: Moderators and CNET.

CNET - In May, 2003, GameFAQs was bought out by CNET. Users of the website were promised by CNET themselves that GameFAQs would not be changed in any way, shape, or form. However, over the following months, many changes occurred but the vast majority were very small.

One year after the purchase, however, GameFAQs underwent a major change. Aside from receiving a new, more flashy interface, it was also merged with GameSpot's forums (which many original GameFAQs users claimed was the cause of the increase in ignorance among the boards). Regardless, things remained as such until 2006, in which GameFAQs underwent another visual change.

Moderators - To make a long story short, a good deal of GameFAQs hate the moderators, which would explained why (to a new user) so many users doesn't bother to mod topics which violates the ToS of GameFAQs.

Some users feel that the moderators are "blind" (i.e. they believe this is the reason why the vast majority of extremely obvious troll topics are never moderated) while other users become angry with the moderators for what they feel is an unjust mod of their topic or post.

Additionally, some users feel that the contest system on GameFAQs (provided so that users can contest a moderation) is skewed against them. This may or may not be true, but it is true that the contest system outright claims that it is extremely unlikely a contest will be accepted. Though it is not necessarily an indication that the system is skewed against users, users nonetheless received the impression from the message (and often, from the moderators' response to their contest) that the system is, indeed, skewed against them.


Overall, GameFAQs is still a wonderful place to talk about video games or to look up help. There are some jerks, fanboys, and trolls on the boards, but truth is that the same goes for any other website. Additionally, the number of these people are very small. The majority of GameFAQs consist of fun-loving users who love their games and is more than willing to help their fellow gamers (or those who simply has a question or two).

Simply put, don't let CNET's love for advertisement and the moderators' rather, er, zealous attitude bring down your enjoyment of GameFAQs and you'll have a good time there.
A: To me, the FAQs is the heart of GameFAQs but the users are the soul. If either one is missing, GameFAQs would lose a big part of itself.

B: A glass of wine, my friends, to the hope that CNET does not add anymore advertisements to GameFAQs nor any other major overhauls.

C: When posting on GameFAQs, it is better to not respond to any moderators you see. This goes for whether they're modding you or whether you just see them posting in a topic. Trust me, this will save you more than a little bit of trouble.
by BusinessMan October 26, 2006
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Defined by logical people: Everything men have, women get. Everything women have, men get.

Defined by politicians and women: Everything men have, women get. Everything women have, they keep.
Today, virtually anything exclusive to men (clubs, groups, etc) are being attacked by women's groups for not allowing women, yet there are hundreds of things (colleges, clubs, etc) exclusive to women that weren't even asked to admit men.
by BusinessMan May 17, 2005
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God's gift to women would be their breasts. After all, unlike two other attractive anatomical areas, the breasts are clearly visible, they can be augmented, and best of all, you can stare at them while the woman babbles about nothing.
Women with B cups or smaller: God have clearly condemned you. Go get implants.

Women with C cups or bigger: God have clearly blessed you. Go make me a sandwich.
by BusinessMan July 7, 2005
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A highly expensive institution ran by fascist liberals. Ridiculously easy to get into, except for the stuck up ivy league college that doesn't really have anything special aside from its name.

The Pros:
-After four years of of bullshit, you'll get a piece of paper which will help you get a job
-Alcohol flows like water
-A higher concentration of easy women than in a ghetto
-Drugs are just a skip and a hop away

The Cons:
-After four years of of bullshit, you'll get a piece of paper which will help you get a job
-The professors are stuck up assholes
-The elitists (feminists, pro-gay supporters, etc) are stuck up assholes
-The liberal arts students are stuck up assholes
-The classes you are forced to take are bullshit
-The extreme work is bullshit

Basically, the cons outweight the pros, but you have no choice, but to go there. Fortunately, alcohol and drugs might help you through. Unfortunately, alcohol and drugs might get you kick out.
Hmm, where to go to? Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, some private college near me, or my local community college?

Eh, some private college near me. It's closer, cheaper, and they all teach the same thing anyway.
by BusinessMan May 2, 2005
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"Feminine" behavior would be the behavior that the culture one lives in standardized as "feminine". For example, playing with Barbie or watching romantic movies is what American culture would consider to be a "feminine trait", thus you have feminine trait if you live in America.

Of course, being feminine does not merely pertains to one's behavior, it is also including one's looks. For example, a female body builder would not be considered feminine in America (or anywhere in the world for that matter; try the Andromeda galaxy, ladies). Another example would be a male that sways his hips when he walks; that would be considered feminine in America (and most of the world also).

Once again, "femininity" is not merely limited to looks and behavior. Various other factors include clothing, personal belongings, sexual orientation, etc.
Wow, Ayumi Hamasaki is hotter the Sahara Desert! That's one classy, feminine woman!
by BusinessMan July 7, 2005
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That wife of yours who uses the Bible when it fits her needs.

When you bring up the sex issue, she uses the Bible to justify herself. If you point out the flaws in her logic, BAM! You're the devil! If you don't point out the flaws, well, you don't get sex anyway.
Man: You know, your logic is rather flawed.

Woman: Ahhhhh! You're Satan! No sex for you, Satan!
by BusinessMan February 25, 2005
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That strange place in your town that everyone believes people should go to, but no one actually goes to.
Guy: Hmm, today is Easter. Should I go to church or go buy my girlfriend something? Nah, I think I'll just sleep in.
by BusinessMan February 6, 2005
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